"Her father." Javier gruffs out and wraps an arm around his boyfriend sitting next to me.

Mila looks from me to my laptop and blow out a breath.

"Well I can see the resemblance now." She smirks at me and uses the mouse to widen the picture of him. "Is it wrong for me to say that your dad is kind of hot?"

"Come mierda, perra." Javier mumbles under his breath.
[Translation: Eat shit, bitch.]

"What was that Macho man?" Mila quirks an eyebrow and glares at my friend.

Xavier places a hand on the grumpy Hispanic and gives Mila a kind smile. "He just said that he likes your hair."

Mila scoffs and snatches a fry from his tray.

"And who the hell are you, huh?" Mila looks Javier up and down and laughs. 

I can see Javier about to get up from the bench but I stop him a shoot Mila a murderous glare.

"What the fuck is your problem? You don't talk to me or see me in weeks and then all of a sudden you're here hugging me and being rude to my friends?" I snap. The nerve of this little girl.

I slam my laptop close and Mila jumps at the action. Her eyes widen at me and then they grow angry.

"Me?! You never want to hang out with me anymore! Maybe I just missed seeing your face but clearly you don't give a shit about me." She flips her blonde hair behind her shoulder and starts to examine her nails.

I blow out a breath and close my eyes for a moment before looking back at her, "I already told you my opinions on us hanging out. That I only want it to be us. I don't want your boyfriend near me. Ever."

I take the chance to look behind her and I see Jax looking in our direction. More specifically, he's looking at me. I cringe and look away quickly.

"You know, your issues with my boyfriend is really starting to piss me off. Kind of makes me want to just leave."

"Good. Then leave." Javier says.

Mila gasps and look to me to see if I'll say anything. And when I don't, she abruptly stands up and glares down me.

"Have fun being alone for the rest of your life. I can see why your father left you." And then she's walking away from my table and plopping down on Jax's lap and smashing her lips against his.

I suck in a shaky breath and feel a sharp pain in my chest from the blow she just threw at me. Never in my life would I imagine my best friend to say something like that to me.

"Are you okay?" I move away from Xavier's hand on my shoulder and straightening up my posture before giving me a smile.

"Yeah. Do you think you can hack into his schedule and place me in for next Saturday at noon?"

Xavier and Javier are both looking at me with sorry eyes and I fucking hate it. I hate when people see me being weak. I hate when people know when I'm at my lowest.

"Can you?" I say again with a little bite in my tone.

"I- I mean yeah I can try—"

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