The End - Part 12

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Sobs rack your shoulders as you hide your face in your hands.

"Y/n!" Lottie exclaims, pulling away from her prior hug with Ellie and instead holding her hand.

"What happened?" Sayuri quizzes.

Lola pokes her head over Binah's shoulder. Micky and Percy exchange a glance.

Everyone's staring at you, all with the same expression.

Jamie slides an arm around your shoulders, gently moving a strand of hair out of your face.

"I just," You try to choke out a sentence, "I love you guys. So much. I'm so relieved." You continue to cry, burying your face in Jamie's chest.

"We love you too!" Ellie yells.

You sniff, "I'm so happy to see you all!"

Jamie turns rigid as Raphael suddenly throws himself onto the both of you, soon everyone's hugging, a huge group hug with you in the centre.

Haru stands to the side, looking awkward, but Sayuri drags him over, squeezing him in too.

Finally, the battle's over.


You're back at the Maravish palace, with Lottie, Ellie and Jamie. It's good to be back, especially with him there.

"What will you do now?" Ellie asks Jamie, leaning on to the railing of the balcony the four of you are stood on with Lottie by her side.

You're suddenly frightened, realising that if the prince chooses to be King, your relationship could rapidly become much more complicated.     

Jamie sees the look on your face and entwines his fingers with yours. "I won't be King. I'm ending the Wolfson reign and making the palace into a sanctuary for those who need it."

Relief fills your chest.

Lottie rests her head on Ellie's shoulder with a content smile. "That's an excellent idea."

"Are you proud of me?" Jamie asks, staring down at you.

You smile up at your Prince. "Yes. I am immensely proud of you Jamie Wolfson."

He smiles, his eyes shining more golden than ever before. "I love you y/n."

Your heart swells. "I love you too."


"Congratulations Y/n Pumpkin. You are officially being declared the title of 'Partizan' for courageous acts protecting the Princess and her Portman and risking your life for their safety. You are now permitted to use weapons legally for protection and a pass which will allow you to move quicker through airports, transport, festivals et cetara. You also have the family's protection for your lifetime." The King declares, as you stand in front of him and the Queen with Jamie at your side.

"And Jamie?" The King's eyes shift to the Prince. "I'm sorry."

Jamie takes a breath and nods, a proud look in his eyes. He exchanges a short glance with you, you smile supportively.

"Thank you. Uncle."


After the meeting with the royals you and Jamie go back to your room, sitting in your chairs and playing hangman in a notebook.

"This is such a stupid game." Jamie utters, after losing a third round.

"Oh Jamie!" You suddenly jump up, running across your room to your travel bag and rummaging in the side pocket.

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