The Last Battle - Part 11

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Lottie and Ellie are stood in the room, Lottie's eyes are filled with tears, Ellie's staring at her with an empty expression, her own eyes haunted.

Jamie grabs your hand, staring at Ellie in anguish. "That's how you looked."

Your breath jolts, the formula.

Lottie's eyes dart to you. "Y/n?" She gasps.

You smile. "Lottie, I'm okay."

Lottie looks anxiously to Jamie with you, her brow creasing apprehensively. "Jamie? You've- have you..."

"I've left them, the Leviathan."

She visibly relieves. "Good. I missed you so much Jamie."

You yell out as two figures reach out and grab Lottie by the arms. Twins.

"Sam, Stella, get off of her!" Jamie barks, immediately striding over.

You yank him back when you see the girl has a knife.

"So you're the famous pumpkin princess." Stella murmurs into Lottie's ear.

You slowly try to lift Sayuri's sword hidden in your skirts, but Sam notices.

He lifts his own knife to point it at you. "Don't move, y/n, and you Jamie."

"How do you know my name?"

Sam rolls his eyes. "Who doesn't?"

You clench your jaw and exchange a glance with Jamie, you could take them easily, together.

"Stella! Sam!" Ingrid suddenly barges in, then stops abruptly when she sees Jamie and you. "What are you two doing here? This isn't part of the plan..."

"It's because they're completely off script!" Stella snaps, "Your precious prince has turned against us."

Ingrid draws her dagger immediately, walking straight up to you. "Broke the formula did you sugar?" Her eyes then drift to Jamie, she looks betrayed, "I can't believe you did this."

Jamie looks upset, reminding you of the fact that he lived with these people for months. "Ingrid-"

"-Put Lottie up against the wall. I want her to hear the crowd cheer when we win."

Sam and Stella slam Lottie against the wall, as she protests weakly.

"Ingrid I am so fed up with you!" You yell, pulling out Sayuri's sword in one clean motion. A strange feeling washes over you as you hold it, you've always had the irrational discomfort when handling weapons. But now...the power you hold is exhilarating.

"I wouldn't do that." Julius growls, emerging behind his partner.

Sam smirks. "We'll hurt Lottie if you try anything."

Lottie squirms in their grasp. "You don't have to do this!" her voice cracks with emotion, "Ellie's a good person!"

You tighten your grip on the sword. "And Claude's a manipulative shit-face!"

Julius and Ingrid glare at you at the same time, Jamie smiles slightly.

"Don't let him win." Lottie murmurs.

Jamie looks at them earnestly. "Please."

You jump as Julius smashes a glass on the floor. "I'm sick of this! What do you want me to do Ingrid?"

There's a long silence as everyone awaits her answer, her eyes fall. "What else do we have?"

"No." You mutter, shaking your head in disbelief, "you're wrong you can't-"

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