Him - Part 6

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You feel more than you have in months as you stare at him, not able to force any words from your mouth. Not even enough to alert Lottie.

Jamie slides his hand into yours and pulls you closer, his hair as untamed and fluffy as ever, his eyes still burning.

"Jamie." You choke, finally getting a word out. Your stinging eyes frantically dart across his face, trying to understand why he's there, where he's been, what he's feeling. But for some reason you're finding it harder than ever to read him. As if he's only the shell of Jamie.

He doesn't say anything, his hands pulling you closer so gently, so calmly. As if him saying something would break the trance.

Jamie kisses you, and you tense up at his touch, your arms limp at your sides.

This is all you've wanted for months, so why does it feel so wrong?

It's then that he slips something into your mouth with his tongue, like a small, oval shaped pill.

You abruptly break the kiss and pull away, stumbling backwards, the pill had already slipped down your throat without your control.

"What was that- what did you...Jamie?"

Jamie steps towards you, reaching out with the first sign of emotion in his eyes. "I'm sorry."

"No, Jamie, what did you do?" You've started swaying on your feet, you can barely support yourself, mind spinning.

"Y/N!" Your head whips around at a sudden noise, Lottie.

"What did you do!" You yell, trying to stumble back around the corner to your sister.

"Y/n don't-" Jamie catches you to stop you from falling, staring down at you.

With consciousness rapidly slipping from your grasp you desperately attempt to grab Jamie's pendant from your pocket, just to remind him, and show him who he truly is, but you've already lost control of your limbs.

The last thing you see are his wide, frightened eyes as he holds you tightly to his chest, one hand holding your face as if he regrets everything.

"I'm sorry y/n. I love you."



It had been so long.

So long since I'd seen her. Too long.

Y/n looked older, her hair was longer, her face more defined, her eyes more haunted. She was more beautiful than ever.

Surprise. Surprise was all I could see on her face in that alleyway. I forced my face to stay emotionless, but I felt more in that moment than I had in months.

I had to do it. I didn't want to do it. But I had to, she didn't know what she was doing with them. She would soon realise the Leviathan were really the good people all along.

As her fluttering eyelids began to shut I could only see one thing in her eyes.


I desperately held her tighter, stroking her hair back from her face and clenching my jaw to prevent myself from crying.

You did this.

I lifted y/n and tucked her head under my chin, her arm hung lifelessly toward the floor, an unfamiliar gold ring on her finger.

You hurt her.

I walked around the corner, holding her tighter. I remembered the times this had happened before: in Tompkin's Manor, and in Tokyo. The times she was most vulnerable were because of me.

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