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Article 56                                       22/02/2026

Where is the Prince of Maradova Now?

There's a lot of mystery surrounding the Maravish royal family, but none is beaten by how much talk there was and still is of the Prince of Maradova.

Jamie Wolfson grew up in the Maravish palace, he was the son to Claude Wolfson and Hirana: a gardener at the palace. Jamie was given the surname 'Volk' and trained to be Ellie Wolfson's Partizan, without knowing for 18 years that she in fact was his younger cousin, and he was the heir to the throne. I know! Crazy!

Jamie attended Rosewood Hall School for 4 years with Ellie Wolfson, Lottie Pumpkin and Y/n, Lottie's sister.

Lottie and Ellie now run Rosewood Hall themselves and are soon to be married.

Y/n was officiated as a Partizan when she was 18, then went on to have a very successful career in Art and has written multiple bestsellers, she is now an incredibly famous individual.

In 2024, Y/n Pumpkin became Y/n Wolfson when she married Jamie, however Jamie didn't choose to take the throne and rule Maradova with her, instead they moved to the South West of England with their cats, Vampy and Percy.

Jamie has a very successful career also, and him and y/n run a beautiful children's help centre by the coast that teaches kids all sorts of new activities and gives them a real home.

So? If you were wondering what happened to the Prince of Maradova, I can tell you with great certainty that him and his partner are living a full and happy life. If you want my opinion all the incredible work they do sounds a bit stressful! But it's definitely worth it.

Thanks for reading! Come back next time to learn all about the history of the Maravish family and unveil all of the secrets!

Written by Evie Smallwood.


a/n: Omg I can't believe I've finished this series after 2 YEARS. I was 13 when I started and honestly my writing has improved so much lol. Thank you so much for getting this far I absolutely adored writing the Partizan books because I love the Rosewood Chronicles so much. Thank you to Connie Glynn for bringing this wonderful world to us!! I'm really sad this is over I don't know what I'm supposed to do now. I'll probably write numerous sequels to The Light and Dark in Us (my other Rosewood ff) BUT I've just had an idea....should I continue the partizan series with y/n and Jamie at Uni or leave it here? You tell me!

Goodbye! I hope to see you soon I'm actually sad rn. Please make me write more of them at uni. 😭

Evie xxx

Future me: I DID write another! Finallyyyyy, go read it :) 

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