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„W-what? Why did nobody tell me?"
„Well, at least it's kind of a surprise, huh? Everyone likes surprises, don't they?

In just a few minutes, Aiko's life just turned around 180 degrees. She stopped him from ending his life and offered him a new one.

„You can leave today! Come, pack your things and we'll go home! Would you want to go eat something? There's a really good new burger shop not far away!"

„Who is She? She's so charismatic. Ahw, my breast hurts. Is it the adrenaline from standing on the edge? I wonder if I really had the balls to jump if she didn't stop me. Well, I think staying with her is better than being here in this shithole"

Right after, they went down and Aiko was packing his bag. He didn't take a lot with him, just his Laptop, his school books and a picture of him with his family.

„Damn, this is what real food tastes like? I never had something like this."

While they were eating together for the first time, they get the chance to get to know each other.

„Are you excited to see you new home? I renovated a complete new room for you, I hope you will feel comfortable"
„Can I ask you something?"
„Why did you choose me? Out of all the other children, I might not leave the best first impression"
„Because you're different. I saw your potential. You're a very smart kid, that's why I want to help you"

As soon as these words left Yua's mouth, Aiko began to tear up.

„I know why you were standing on roof, certainly not to enjoy the view of the city. I can't imagine what kind of pain you go through at such a young age. Being alone for so many years with no one to talk to and share your feelings to"

Yua began to cry too when she talked about Aiko's life.

„No kid should ever go through something like this. I will do my best for you and make you a happy kid"

Later that day, they head to Yui's Apartment and Aiko couldn't believe his eyes. It was a penthouse right in the city with a beautiful view over Tokyo.

„Come, I'll show you your room"

It was a big room with a large bed, an own balcony, TV and everything Aiko would ever dream of to own.

„Wow, is this really my room? Isn't it too big?"
„I think it's perfect for you! I want you to have as much comfort and fun as possible. I want to care for you"
„I didn't ask yet, but do you live alone?"
„Oh gosh, how could I forget about something important like this?! Hahahahah! I have a boyfriend that lives with me together, but it's only me written in the papers, so he won't be your father, hehe"

Aiko seemed confused, but he got along with it since he never made good experiences with his father anyway. He was always strict and used to hit him often.

„Kohei will be coming home soon, he's still at work. I told him to say no when they ask him to stay longer, but he won't listen as always. Come, I show you the rest of the apartment and then you can go take a shower. Do you want mom to help you?"

„N-no thanks. I think I'll be good"

After he cleaned himself up, he went to say good night to his mom and went to bed. As he didn't fall asleep right away, he heard Yui shouting.

What did I told you?! How many times to I have to repeat myself?! It's good that you bring me a lot of money but that doesn't mean you have to work overtime every day!!! My god!

„Im sorry, I thought about our bills too much and wanted to work harder for your sake. Forgive me, I will do better"

-Was the actual conversation, but Aiko only heard some bits of it.

On the next morning, the three sit together for breakfast.

„Why is he looking like he saw a ghost? Is he okay? Maybe he's I'll?" were Aiko's thoughts while he saw Kohei's face loosing colour. Yua on the other side looked like she had the best sleep of her life. She couldn't stop smiling.

„Baby, it's getting late, shouldn't you get ready for work?"
„Ah, yes. I forgot the time. I'll see you later"

„Aiko, I have to some things to do in the city, are you okay with being alone a bit? You can come with me if you want"
„Eh, no no it's okay, I'll stay at home"
„Sure, I'll bring you a present"

As Yui and Yuta leave, Aiko started to clean up a bit.

„Ah damn, my fuckin head, is it bleeding? Oh yeah it is"
As he hit his head on the counter while cleaning the dishes, he wanted to look at his wound.

„Oh I forgot, I'm not in the orphanage anymore. Not everyone has a mirror in their hallway"

As he enters the bathroom, he realized something strange....

„Huh, there is also no mirror. No mirror in the bathroom?"

PART 3 coming soon!!

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