I smile slightly. “As you know, we came here the other day for answers. But unfortunately, Amaya wasn't supposed to be here.” I sigh softly. “She was living here just long enough to meet me. She must've known we were coming.” I cast my husband a side-glance. “And once her mission was finished, she vanished and took the memory of her shop, and herself with her. I'll bet if we go ask Minato, he won't know her either.”

Kakashi frowns.

Sakura's head cocks to the side. “What do you mean she wasn't supposed to be here?”

“I mean that she'd traveled through time to meet us here.” I sigh and intertwine my fingers with Kakashi's. “Just trust me on this.”

Naruto rushes forward, grinning cheekily. “I do, believe it!”

I laugh and ruffle his hair as he zooms out the door, shouting something about lunch. Sasuke starts towards the door, hands shoved into his pockets, rolling his eyes. Sakura floats after him, saying something about sitting together, with stars in her eyes. Kakashi squeezes my hand.

I look up.

“You okay?” Kakashi quirks a brow.

I shrug halfheartedly. “I'll be fine. Just...disappointed.”

He kisses the side of my head. “I'm sorry.”

I squeeze his hand and shoot him a grin. Then glance back towards my kids. Naruto is nursing a fairly large bump on his head, glaring daggers at Sasuke and mumbling something incoherent under his breath. Sakura glares at my little ball of sunshine, looking murderous.

Sasuke ignores them.

“Hey, Naruto?” I call. Said boy looks up in confusion. “Why don't you go sniff out Ichiraku's?”

Naruto perks up. Kakashi lets out a small sigh, a breathless chuckle following swiftly afterwords. I grin at him and watch as Naruto darts around, searching for the ramen stand. We wonder around the village for a little bit. Sakura chastises Naruto constantly and I watch them bicker lightly. Kakashi ends up whipping out his book and his nose is currently dug deep.

“Hey, you guys!”

We pause and glance over, just in time for Obito to come skidding to a stop before us. Rin laughs lightly behind him and Mini-Kakashi stares at us, bored. Minato smiles apologetically behind them, scratching the back of his neck.

“Do you want to go get some ramen with us?” Obito asks happily, grinning widely.

“Yeah!” Naruto shouts in excitement, “We were just looking for Ichiraku's.”

Obito laughs. “Well you were going the wrong way!”

I sigh softly and shake my head. “You'd think, with as many times we actually go to this place, that he'd know exactly where it is.”

Kakashi glances down towards me. “I was following you.”

“And I was following Naruto.” I shoot him a look.

Minato chuckles, regaining our attention. Naruto and Obito are already a good twenty feet away, running hastily towards the promise of ramen, with Sakura shouting after them. She walks a little slower, beside Rin, and Sasuke stands beside me, watching them dully. Mini-Kakashi slowly starts after the girls, arms folded behind his head.

“Shall we?” Minato gestures after them.

“We shall!” I start to skip after the kids, dragging Kakashi along behind me. I hear Sasuke sigh softly and glance back, only to realize he's avoiding my gaze.

Desire (Kakashi) - Indefinite HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now