Love me for a Reason

734 19 17

February 10th 1995

"Oi fucking no with that pack it in. Switch the station."

Erin rolled her eyes and smirked across at Liam in the passenger seat.

"Aww come on Liam let Céline teach you how to feel. Just let it happen. Baby think twicceee. Babbbbyyyy think twiiicceeee for the sake of our memmoorryyyy"

Liam glared across at her.

"Fucking pack it in. Heard nothing but this for weeks."

Erin laughed.

"You're just bitter cause she kept you off the top."

Noel chuckled from the back.

"Nah we wish. That was Boyzone and East 17."

Erin giggled.

"Fuck me. No counting for taste eh?"

Liam changed the station rather moodily.

Erin had been happy to see them over the Christmas holidays and now that they had finished touring and were back recording it meant she saw then more often. She'd missed them and she loved having her brothers home. But it meant she had to see Graham less...Liam and Noel asked questions her mum didn't. Like how she'd ended up with so many miles on her speedometer in the space of 6 months if she was only going to see Laura up the road every weekend. She'd argued that it had had that many miles when she'd got it but Liam was adamant. But he also couldn't prove it. But even so the car trips to London to see Graham had stopped. Liam was onto her. She got the feeling he knew she was lying. After that she'd had to redirect all her mail to Laura's too incase they recognised anything Graham sent.

They'd spent time together before Christmas but that was the last time she'd seen him. 6 weeks. The longest They'd been apart in 6 months. They'd written but that wasn't anywhere near good enough.. She missed him so much. She had to see him no matter the risk.

Boyzone began to play and Erin laughed heartily.

"Love me for a reassssoooonnnn and let the reason be looooooovveeee." Erin teased.

"I'm going to kill you." Liam said darkly.

Erin laughed.

"Yeah right. Then who'd drive you everywhere when you're home?"

Liam shook his head.

"You watch it. I was gonna invite you as my plus one to the Brits but if ye keep going like this-"

Erin stopped laughing and frowned across at him seriously.

"What? You serious?"

Liam nodded.

"Thought it'd be a laugh and that."

Erin smiled at him gratefully.

"Don't you want to take some hot bird that'll shag yer brains out when you win best newcomer?"

Noel laughed and Liam shrugged.

"I mean I can still do that at the after party. I thought you'd want to come and that."

Erin nodded.

"I do. Thanks. I'll be your plus one. Do I need to go buy a posh dress?"

Liam shook his head profusely.

"No way! Don't need more fuel for that little speccy sleazebag Coxon to try it on."

Erin rolled her eyes as she felt that hollow ache that always settled in her chest when Liam made a dig about Graham.

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