2 become 1

646 19 15

October 1996

Graham let the chill rest on his skin as he smoked on the porch. He looked at the vacant hammock swinging lightly in the breeze. They'd held each other in that all night beneath the stars. Erin's warm soft hair surrounding him. Wrapping him up safely. Protecting him against the world. He swallowed the lump in his throat. He missed her. But he was too fucked up to love her right. He needed to get help. He knew that. But he was scared. The most scared he'd ever been in his life. Like a little kid. He picked up the phone. He needed to go. He wanted to get better. For himself. But mostly, for her.


Erin stirred her tea with a small smile. Liam had left on tour. Even two months later Knebworth was all anyone could talk about about. That was her brothers. Their mam was so proud. And so was she. Peggy had visited her. She was glad to see all her children flourishing in their careers but not so glad to see them unhappy in love. Erin's smile widened. She hadn't brought up Damon but Liam would often go missing for hours, sometimes days on end when he'd been staying with her last month and return wearing Damon's aftershave.

There was a knock on the door and she pulled it open. She grinned and wrapped her arms around Damon. She hadn't seen him in weeks. Her brother had seen more of him...probably more of him than Erin ever wanted to see. Damon held her back tight. She breathed him in.

Erin pulled away and looked at him tenderly. Damon looked worried and relieved all at once.

"He's checked himself into the priory...he called me this morning. He's...he's getting help."

Erin didn't know what to do. A million thoughts and feeling rushed through her once. Sadness, happiness, relief. She gave a tentatively smile to Damon with tears in her eyes.

"Good. But I didn't want him to be alone. Can we see him?"

Damon nodded.

"After he settles and they say he can have visitors. But they say it's best for recovery to be alone and isolated from all this...madness out here."

Erin nodded.


Damon nodded.

They sipped their tea in comfortable silence. Enjoying the peace and quiet of the afternoon.

Erin glanced at Damon. He looked much brighter than last time she'd seen him. His skin and eyes were bright. He had a smile back on his lips . He looked well. She smiled to herself. She wondered if Liam had anything to do with that? Liam was a lot more chilled and relaxed in general. Even Noel had commented on it. But it wasn't her secret to tell. After all Damon had kept her and Graham a secret for a year.

"You know you look happy Damon. Happier than I've seen you when you're sober anyway."

Damon blushed slightly which was unusual for him.


Erin shrugged.

"If you ever want to come to me with anything. You know you can don't you? If there's someone you want to tell me about."

Damon nodded avoiding her eyes shyly.

"I've not told anyone. Don't know how to. Not sure it's even real or what it is or how long it'll last. Everything got so messed up with Justine and then this just...happened."

Erin shrugged.

"None of that's important if you're happy now. You kept me and Graham a secret for a year so if you need me to keep a secret I can."

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