Final Chapter, Moving On.

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Hello everyone, I'm sorry to say, but this will be the final chapter of this series...

I have fallen from the fandom and I've moved onto to other things, Wick will always be a fond memory for sure and I appreciate everyone for supporting the series, but I'm no longer motivated. I hoped I would find it after some time, but I couldn't.

I've decided to no longer be selfish and keeping you waiting for the series to continue, so this chapter will be the closing to a wonderful book. I'm sad to let go of something I put a lot of effort into, but if you love it, let it go. Thank you all so much again, and I hope you all stick around for my other series or other creations that I'll be making, thank you for your time and all your support, I appreciate it more than anything.


Today felt off, and everyone felt it too. Caleb and Lillian were sticking so close to you, almost scared of today. Tim and Tom seemed a little more distant and Benny, he was awake for the whole day.

  Everyone would try to carry on their days normally, but everyone stuck to their graves for the most part... You decided to go check up on Sam and Travis, but when you looked into the small cabin, they weren't there, it felt like their attachment was cut, and any sign or feeling of them living there was gone.

  You felt... At peace? The feeling made you confused, but you couldn't quite put your finger on why you felt that way. You shrugged it off and would quickly go back to the graves.

  The Weaver family was sitting together, talking quietly in hushed voices. You would sit beside Benny and lean on him, and he put an arm around you, squeezing you tightly against him. You felt the anxiety he was feeling and you tried to comfort him, but you finally realized everyone was anxious... You couldn't do much, but, you tried. "Hey... Who wants to go play hide-n-seek?" You offer with a smile. Everyone looked at you, silent.

  Finally, Tim would stand up and say, "Yeah... Let's go play hide-n-seek." Everyone stood up, all smiling a little, "You all hide, and me and Tom will seek." Tom scowled at Tim, making everyone laugh lightly.

  Tim would count with Tom while everyone went and hid, laughter filling the woods. And as the hours flew by, it only took you a moment to forget the anxiety you originally were feeling like everyone else.

  Soon, you all returned to your graves for the night, but would be caught off guard as a few people, including a priest approached the graves. As everyone were about to move in and attack, the priest would suddenly bless the graves with holy water, speaking words of God. (Sorry if none of you are religious, I'm not exactly religious either, but this is for the story.)

  Everyone would shriek and suddenly, there was light... You opened your eyes and looked around, your friends— No, your family was there, and they all stared up at a staircase. You looked up with them, to where the sun shines, you felt Lillian take your hand and Caleb take your other.

  You gently squeeze them, and would look at the twins and Benny who nodded at you. You looked at Lillian and Caleb and gently pulled them along. You stood in front of the staircase and would stare up, your heart beating. A voice in your head would gently say, 'Come forth my child, come home to me...'

  Benny, Tim and Tom would finally join the three of you, and would take their first steps onto the staircase. You felt a cool air welcoming you all, you glanced at one another and smiled, then slowly climb the stairs, moving on to a better after life...

The End.


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