Bound Together.

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《This chapter will be more of bonding with the twins, please do enjoy!》

The night was gorgeous as it always was... The moon's welcoming rays peeked through the trees, giving a path to those who couldn't see through the night, the moon always reminded you of a mother guiding their child through the night. It was always strange, but it gave you comfort, as you've been missing your family a lot more recently, and the other's have started to notice, mainly the twins, as they were always around you. Lillian was always playing, Caleb either playing with Lillian or hunting underground, and Benny, asleep like always.

One day, Tom had approached you when you were having one of your moments and he came to your side immediately to give comfort, leaving you surprised, but thankful for his kindness and gentle nature towards those he's cared for. Now you and Tom sat in the woods, embracing one another, the only noises to disturb you two is the sound of crickets chirping.

"Thank you, Tom... You're so sweet." You placed a kiss on his masked cheek, leaving him rather flustered. " problem...!" He managed to get out the best he could, his voice a little gurgled as it was hard for him to speak in general. You giggled, glad with his effort and took his twisted hand and whispered, "Maybe we should go back to the others now?"

Tom shook his head, making you rather confused, "What?" You asked. Tom head his head for a second, mumbling, "L-Let's ch..eer you... up fi-first..!" You smiled a little more and nodded. "Okay... Wanna take a walk with me then?" Tom immediately nodded his head, it making some disgusting cracking noises. You didn't mind at this point, as it wasn't something he couldn't help it.

You two walk down a trail, silence between the two of you, it was a comforting silence, for you it was mostly, but poor Tom was flustered as ever!

You were holding his hand. Your fingers were intertwined with his twisted and boney fingers! His face was as red as could be under that mask, this poor boy... He was falling for you. Big time.

Sadly, the silence between you two was disturbed by a familiar thunk from behind the both of you. Tom immediately frowned, a frown matching his mask as you both turned to see the one, the only, Tim Weaver. Tim walks over to the two of you, rather ticked at his twin, "Making the first moves without me already, Tom?" He says impatiently. Tom gave a small hiss and drew closer to a confused you. "First moves?" You repeated, making Tim realize what he just said and panicked, "It's nothing! It's nothing. Don't worry about it." He says quickly, taking your other hand, now quick to change the discussion before you could ask again, "What're you two doing this far down the woods?" He says a little coldly, the coldness directed more at his twin.

"Well, Tom was cheering me up because I was feeling a little sad earlier, and so we went on a walk until I was feeling a little better." Tom nodded in agreement, giving a small hiss. Tim huffs, "If you were sad, you could've came to m- us. You could've came to us."

"I know I know, I will next time..." you sighed then offered, "You wanna walk with us to Tim?" You offered your hand to him, to which he immediately took, "I might as well since I'm all the way out here already." He says, much to Tom's dismay.

The walk became a little more lively though, the twins were a little ticked with one another, but, you were there to settle them down and to calm them so the walk would be a little more calmer. Conversation was made between you and Tim mostly, meanwhile Tom would have his head on your shoulder, your hand now cupping his head as he did so. You wanted to be sure to give the twins both equal attention, and it seemed to workout rather well, both of them were content.

So much time had passed, and it was already morning, the sun peeking over the Earth's surface, ready to replace the moon at any waking moment, you squint at the sun's brightness, but smiled and said, "Well, seems like it's time to go home, the suns coming up." Tim groaned in agitation while Tom whined, displeased with the sad news. You looked at them both and gave a small laugh, "Hey, it's okay you two! We can do this again sometime soon!"

They both perked up at this then nodded, making you smile. You all soon made it back to your homes, or, really what was left of it and were greeted by the others. Lillian was the first to cling to you, crying out, "Where were you (Y/N)?! Me and Caleb missed you!!" You chuckled at the young girl as Caleb came up from the ground and hugged your legs. "I just went for a walk guys, it's okay!" They looked at you, then nodded, Lillian soon to demand, "Take us with you next time!!" You nod gently, promising her, "I will, I promise you two."

Caleb made a gravel like bark while Lillian giggles happily. You would yawn and pick up the two of them, as they were both rather light, "Let's go on ahead and rest you two, we may be ghosts, but even ghosts need their rest!" They both groan and whine as you took them to your mattress of a friend, Benny.

The twins watched you go on then looked at each other, Tim realizing the way he acted to towards his twin, "Tom, I'm sorry for being such an asshole earlier, I should've been happy that you were spending time with someone who was making you happy." Tom gave a soft smile behind his mask, "It..s ok..ay!" He managed to say, Tim gently hugging his mangled up brother. "Let's go get some sleep, okay?" Tom nodded, and the twins would soon catch up to the group of peaceful sleeping ghosts.

Published: May 29th, 2021

Amount of words: 1,032, words after this don't count!

Thank you all so much for reading and for all the support this book has been receiving lately! It means so much to me that so many people are liking my book! So far it's sitting at 710 reads and 33 votes! This is my most popular book yet! So along with this story, I will be opening a oneshot book based on this story! It will include the following: Oneshots, headcanons, and scenarios!! You can request as well! I want to thank the readers of the books who have stuck around to watch it grow, I hope you'll keep reading and enjoy all the ideas that I can cram into it. Thank you all so much! Have a wonderful day or night!! 💙💙💙

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