The Game.

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Author's note:

《Similar like Sam, but it was after Sam went missing, you appeared with the group of teens, being forced into the same game as Sam did, unsure of what was really going on.》


  You and your friends at the time were making your way through the forest, the smooth and soft silk covering both of the lids of your eyes. As the teens babbled on about Wick, you were too focused on your enhanced sense.

  Your hearing was sharp as you heard the soft chirps of the crickets and the occasional rustles in the trees. The smell of the earthly ground was strong, as if it just rained here, it was quite strong you could almost taste it. The feeling of the solid wax in your hands, the bag on your back in case you needed to collect something, and the box of matches in your pocket made themselves known.

  You would quietly think to yourself. 'Why did I have to volunteer for this game I never heard of? Maybe because of the need to impress these 'friends' I barely know... What was this game about again? Staying alive in the woods, encounter ghosts of the Weaver family? This all sounds like a big joke, a big plan to prank me... Dang, why did my parents force me to move here of all places?!'

  The only time you finally acknowledged the group of teens is when they pushed you in, causing you to snap out of your thoughts. They locked the gates behind you. Feeling your heart beat fast from the fear of being alone, the teens had their final goodbyes and menacing farewells such as, "Good luck (Y/N)! You're gonna need it!" and "See you at 6... If you live!" giggling as if they were a group of girls, discussing their crushes and teasing each other at a slumber party.

  You stood there, listening to their laughter and the soft patters of their footsteps finally fading out. You took off the blindfold and blinked your eyes a couple of times to get used to your surroundings, you look down and see an already lit candle.

  The only nice thing they've actually done before shoving you in. You sigh and pick up the candle, debating your next move, you felt the sheer jab of fear in your chest, but you could also feel slight boredom from just standing there, so you slowly moved forward, your steps timid and small.

  Your first encounter started with the mischievous man himself, Tim. You found the note of him, the paper saying, "Don't think, just run." You would stare for a moment, fear stabbing at your chest more as you heard a sudden-


  You felt your shoulders tense up, you felt your fear grow as you looked behind you. There, stood a boy in an old clean and fancy school uniform, he was tall and rather skinny, his dark brown hair was slicked back and combed neatly, and his mask had a mocking smile on it, his hands were behind his back as he stared you down.

  "Don't think, just run."

  The words repeated in your head like a melody as you found yourself running as fast as you could away from the boy, only to hear coughing wheezing and quick footsteps behind you, he was right on your tail, and you knew it, you quickly did a jolt to the side and ran to the right, causing him a small bit of confusion, but he quickly followed your trail again.

  Your gasps and pants for air grew heavy as you felt your chest burn from the lack of oxygen and the sudden hit of excercise. Soon enough, a small poof and the boy was gone.

  You would sigh with relief as you plop down and breath heavily, wheezing even, 'What was that... Was that one of the Weavers?! If so... Which one?!'

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