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Zayn (Zain) Javadd Malik is a famous 29 years old man who goes almost every day to a casino to steal and win money due drugs dealing

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Zayn (Zain) Javadd Malik is a famous 29 years old man who goes almost every day to a casino to steal and win money due drugs dealing. He's the most searched criminal in the whole world and he always escapes from the prison. With his husband, Liam Payne, he hosts each year a private award show, for only searched criminals. He's been searched by the cops for 11 years because of drugs dealing, burglaries, murders, etc. He has special eyes, that can kill you if you look more than 5 seconds in his eyes (only if it's turned on).

Louis William Tomlinson is a 28 years old man who murdered both of his parents because they killed his younger twin sister (why he's now traumatized)

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Louis William Tomlinson is a 28 years old man who murdered both of his parents because they killed his younger twin sister (why he's now traumatized). He's professional driver and football player and has knocked 121 people in the hospital. With his husband, Harry Styles, who is an famous actor, he has won around 5 awards for Cutest Couple at their private award show. He's been searched by the cops for 6 years because of murdering his parents. He has a very special car and is the fastest runner of their group.

Harry Edward Styles is a 26 years old man who is the youngest, but most dangerous in the group

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Harry Edward Styles is a 26 years old man who is the youngest, but most dangerous in the group. He's addicted to XTC and has a soft spot for the people in the group and his husband, Louis Tomlinson. He's the strongest person on earth, which only works if he's on a mission. He has a special program which he can cut or grow his hair, whenever he wants. He has long hair on missions and his private life, and he has short hair in public, television, radio interviews, etc. He use his popularity to protect himself, so no one suspects him. He is in a fake relationship with group member Leigh-Anne Pinnock, to trick the fans. The reason why he is a criminal, is because he's the most famous drugs dealer in the criminal world. 

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