Chapter 5 - A Perfect Mistake?

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Some secrets should never turn into confessions, that I know better than anyone but some secrets are just too delicious not too share.

Whatever I have done in the course of my life whether it be good, bad or dare if I even say it ...evil, has been done freely, no-one has held a gun to my head. I've made plenty of mistakes along the way and tonight is definitely one of those times.

~~~Several Hours Earlier ~~~

After the morning rush of prep , I swung by the kitchen to notice Harry was gathering the last few utensils from the dishwasher. Ive mentioned to him several times to let one of the kitchen hands deal with the dishes but of course Harry being the generous soul that he is, refuses to push work onto anyone, especially if it's something he himself feels he is fit to do.

Harry doesn't notice me at first. He has the radio on a little louder than I usually allow but I will let it pass. The rest of the staff have left or are busy in the front of house.

It's a upbeat old disco track and every time he bends down to the dishwasher he shakes his ass popping his hips to the side and right now I can feel my taste buds burst. I'm so hungry right now, not for food but for his mouth watering physique. Without realising I lick my lips mesmerised by his sinful swaying.

My eyes are quickly adverted back to his face as he turns around slightly, scaring him with my presence. He smirks and holy fuck all I can hope for right now is that he didn't catch me eyeing him like he was a delicious piece of meat.

' Hey Lou. I didn't hear you come in. You are lucky you didn't come in a few seconds earlier I would have blinded you with my dance moves"

Is this man crazy, blinded by his dance moves. Blinded no, entranced and captivated yes. Fuck if he dances this good just stacking dishes imagine how well he would dance around my cock. Louis calm the fuck down. Sometimes I really need to listen to my concious, other wise I tend to  occasionally end up in very bad situations.

Harry looks to the little black 90's radio boom box located on the bench near the freezer. 

" It's the music isn't it, shit ,I'm so sorry there was no -one hear and I- "

" No its fine....
The music is....yeah ..ah.. im glad you are all finished up, do you mind meeting me in my office in say 10 mins I'd like to have a chat"

As per usual he appears at my office door exactly 10 mins after I asked.
After he enters and takes a seat I inform Harry that I had recieved word from an old friend who owed me a favour and he that he would be delighted to give Zayn an opportunity within his business.  I hold back on the big details taking the opportunity to invite them both out for dinner to go over the employmemt requirements. As expected Harry accepts and thanks me over and over gain. I go to shake his hand to part ways but Harry has other ideas as he pulls me in for a hug.

A hug. If you go by the google definition, a hug is an act of holding someone tightly to express affection. In my brain, it meant so much more. So much so that as I felt his large arms wrapped around me I could feel my veins pulsating throughout my entire body.

Every detail including the softness of his skin, every flaw,every weakness, every little part of him I craved.
I wanted to have my way with him right there and then.

I don't know how this man manages to dominate my thoughts so intensly. This is something totally new for me and its making me nervously scared.

In life you need to learn how to select your thoughts, the same way in which you select your clothes each day.This is a power you must learn to cultivate.

I pull back and automatically start using my hands to straighten out my suit. There's a pink tinge to Harrys cheeks and if I'd know any better id say he was blushing. This is good. This is progress. Tonight I will up it a notch. How far can I push things?

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