Unable to hold it in any longer, I gritted out the painful truth to David, who had once meant something to me. "I hate you," I spat the words, my bitterness and heartache laid bare.

But before I could process the consequences of my outburst, the heavy hand of my father struck my face, leaving my ear ringing. The physical pain was nothing compared to the emotional torment I felt.

"Serves you right!" my mother shouted at me, her words laced with excitement and anger. I looked up at David, who now avoided my gaze, his eyes filled with regret, leaving me feeling more isolated than ever.

David's indifference had reached a point where he no longer cared if they hit me or not. My sister, mother, and father wore smug expressions, clearly satisfied with my distress.

This was the last straw. I hadn't done anything to deserve this kind of treatment. It was at this moment that I'd rather take my chances living on the streets than continue to endure the torment of these deranged and cruel psychopaths who were supposed to be my family.

With determination, I headed for the door, deaf to David's calls for me. It was only when I reached the streets that I felt his hand on my arm. I flung it off with a mix of anger and disgust, unable to bear the sight of him any longer.

"Don't you dare touch me!" I screamed at David, my voice filled with a mixture of anger and revulsion.

David, looking genuinely concerned, pleaded with me. "Rue, I know you're angry, but this isn't the way to handle it. It's late at night, and I'm worried about your safety. Please, just go back inside."

"Angry?!" I retorted with a tone of bitterness. "If you had any idea how much I seethe with resentment toward you, you'd think twice about putting your filthy hands on me. David, you're nothing but a spineless coward, and you're going to get everything that's coming to you," I lashed out, my words reflecting my pent-up frustration and hurt.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I spoke with raw emotion. "You never truly loved me! Had your love been real, you would have never put me through the pain you did. But now, it's crystal clear to me that you and my sister were destined for each other. You both are deceitful liars, and I'm dying to see the day when the truth reveals itself." Each word I uttered felt like a dagger to my own heart.

"Maybe that's why I ended up drunk and slept with your sister," David admitted, his voice laced with anger. "My gosh, Rue, you're just this negative, dark, whiny, and miserable soul complaining about everything! Wake up, Rue; the world isn't all roses and sunflowers! But there's no need to drag down everyone into your horrible pit of a mess." His words, though painful, hit me hard, leaving me feeling more isolated and wounded than ever.

Was this the same David I had once known, the same man I had given myself to? He had never mentioned that my rants were grating on him. Perhaps he had reached his breaking point, yearning to be with someone more positive and lively, someone less prone to whining.

"Thank you," I replied with a heavy heart, my voice quivering with sorrow as I turned away from him, struggling to hold back the tears.

"Rue, I'm sorry," he said, trying to reach out and hold my hand once again. But I couldn't bear it. I slapped him across the face, the sound echoing through the street, a physical manifestation of the pain and anger that coursed through me.

"Never you dare try to touch me or say another fucking word to me ever again," I seethed, my voice trembling with anger. "I never forced you to stay with me. We're finished. Go back to your wife." My words were final, and I saw in his eyes the weight of regret as he realized the depth of the mistake he had made.

I turned my back on him and walked away, the cold night air biting at my skin. The reality hit me like a ton of bricks - I was officially homeless, with nowhere to go. The tears welled up in my eyes, a mixture of anger and despair, as I contemplated the harshness of my situation.

I couldn't believe I had given myself to that disgusting man. In that moment, Daisy and David appeared as conniving co-conspirators who deserved each other, and I wanted nothing more to do with them.

I walked the streets, lost in thought, the passage of time unclear. My feet ached from the seemingly endless wandering, and as I looked around at my desolate surroundings, the burden of my loneliness weighed heavily on my heart. I found myself standing in the midst of the empty road, not sure how long I had been there.

With a heavy sigh, I cast my gaze upward to the night sky, desperately seeking a glimmer of hope. The pain of my situation was unbearable, and I dreaded the thought of returning home. The emptiness and despair were suffocating. In my darkest moment, I contemplated whether ending my life would be a reprieve from the relentless anguish.

Tears streamed down my face as I slumped to the ground, my cries echoing, and my vision blurred with tears. I was all alone, and the weight of my isolation seemed unbearable. In the midst of my despair, I lost track of time, not knowing how long I sat there, weeping.

It was only when I heard a screeching sound that I snapped out of my desolation. I turned to see a car hurtling toward me, its headlights glaring in my direction, and the imminent danger jolted me back to the harsh reality of life.

Too frightened and shocked, not knowing what to do, I stood frozen in the middle of the road. My eyes tightly closed as the car bumped into my side, and I fell to the ground, hitting my head.

The world around me was a blur, filled with a cacophony of noises. Amid the chaos, a handsome like guardian angel appeared before me, taking me into his strong, comforting arms, and I felt an unusual sense of safety.

Everything around me began to fade, and my consciousness slipped into darkness, completely unaware of how this accident would ultimately change my life.


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