Soah And Soojin Meet Baby Sunwoo

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Rosalie's POV
As soon as I posted the picture of my baby on Instagram, I turned to look at Suho since he had our baby in his arms. Just then, my phone rang, so I grabbed it and headed to the living room to answer it.

Rose: Yeoboseyo, Uncle Minho. Is there anything you need to tell me or update me on regarding my baby's check-ups?
Uncle Minho: Well, he does have a week-old check-up and will be getting a vaccine. We also want to check if he's growing properly and ensure he latches on correctly when breastfeeding. Am I correct in assuming that?
Rose: Yes, that's correct. Also, what time do you want me to bring him? Do I need to bring anything like his vaccination card and other files?
Uncle Minho: Does 2:30 sound okay? You only need to bring his vaccination card since he will be getting a shot. How is he doing right now?
Rose: Suho has him right now, and he's been okay. But the thing is, he wakes up every three hours to eat, and it's been challenging for us to get enough sleep. I know he's just a newborn, but we need to adjust to his schedule even though it's tough for us to stay awake when he needs to feed and be changed.
Uncle Minho: That's normal for him at this stage. Once he's a month or two old, his schedule will change. For now, keep an eye on him and let me know if anything changes. As soon as he said that, I heard Suho say, "Hey baby, I think our baby is ready to eat." I said goodbye to my uncle, added a reminder for Sunwoo's check-up on my phone, and headed back to the room where I heard my baby cry. I took him from Suho's arms and cradled him, letting him settle down again, while he turned his little head to my chest so I could determine which breast was ready. I lifted my shirt and nursing bra slightly, allowing him to latch on and start nursing while covering him with a blanket. I also gave my attention to Suho, informing him about our son's check-up in a week.

Rose: Hey baby, in a week, we have to take Sunwoo to my uncle's clinic for his first check-up and vaccination. We also need to introduce him to our close friends and family. Should we wait until he's a couple of months old, or what do you think?
Baby: I think we should wait. We just got home from the hospital, and I know you're tired, baby. You need to rest since he wakes up every three hours to eat. Your uncle also told me that you need to eat more to produce more milk for him. The first time was a little tough for you to breastfeed, remember? So I think it's best to wait and rest so we can get used to his schedule.

Rose: To be honest, I agree with you. I just remembered that I promised Soah a FaceTime call to meet him since she texted me before he was born. She wanted to be the second person to meet him. Also, Soojin wanted to meet him too, but she told me to call her whenever I was ready. Suddenly, I looked down when I felt that my little one had stopped eating. I pulled up my nursing bra and shirt, and I raised him to rest on my shoulder while gently patting his back to burp him. I grabbed my phone and dialed Soah's number, waiting for her to answer as I heard the cutest little burp.

Soah: Hi Rosie, how are you, and how is the little one doing?
Rose: Hi Soah, I'm doing okay, and my baby is okay since he just finished eating.
Soah: Ahh, okay, that's good to hear. Can I meet him? I've been wanting to see him since he was born. I also have a little gift for him, but I'll wait for you to come back to school to give it to you. Hopefully, you can bring him with you one of these days.
Rose: Mhmm, I think on Monday, I might take him with me. He's still a newborn, and I don't like being away from him. I still need to feed him, so I have a schedule that I need to take to the school on Monday. My mom can bring my baby to me when he's hungry or not feeling well. So you can finally see him, and Soojinah too. Since you guys are my best friends, ohh, that reminds me, I would not get close with your new friend because she tried to hurt me when I went to the hospital to have my baby boy.

Soah: Wait, she tried to hurt you? When did this happen? Also, can I be his godmother? We can also ask Soojin since she has already met him when she went to the hospital with you. Speaking of the little cutie, where is he right now?
As soon as she asked that, I turned around and saw that he had fallen asleep in his fathers arms, then I answered Soah's question.
Rose: He just finished eating, and Suho has him right now. And yes, you can be his godmother. I asked the same question to Soojin, and she was happy. Also, do you remember when my water broke? She was there, but when she got to the hospital, she tried to hurt my baby. I tried to get rid of her, but she ended up scratching my wrist. The nurse who delivered my baby cleaned up the wound, and I'm pretty sure Suho noticed it too. But I haven't told him the real reason behind it. I didn't want to worry him at the time since our little boy was born. I've had enough of her following me around, and I don't feel safe with her near my baby. As soon as I finished talking, I saw Suho with our baby asleep in his arms before he turned to me and asked me the same question that Soah had asked.
Suho: Hey baby, why didn't you tell me that she had hurt you? And why am I finding out right now?
Rose: To answer your questions, love, I didn't want to worry you. But she tried to hurt our baby, and I didn't like her attitude towards you. She looked at you the way you look at me, but in this case, she wanted me to lose my baby so that you would blame me and leave me to be with her. I slapped her, but she ended up scratching my wrist, leaving a bruise and a not-so-deep wound that required stitches.

Suho: That explains it. I was starting to think that she was trying to get close to me in order to hurt you, but that was before Sunwoo was born, so I found it odd. But now that you've told me, I think it's time for you to stay by my side every day until Sunwoo is ready to walk. That's when I'll let you do whatever. For now, I need to keep both you and him safe, and that includes her and anyone else who poses a risk to our son, especially you, baby.
Rose: I agree with you, baby. But for now, we should try to sleep since we just got back from the hospital. I need to put Sunwoo down so he can sleep comfortably, and then we can eat dinner. I'm starving as well. Also, I need to eat more so I can feed him again in a couple of hours since he needs to eat every three hours. Soojinah is coming over tomorrow to meet Sunwoo, and my brothers too. I need to clean up the space a bit since it's been a little chaotic since we came back from the hospital.


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