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Osaka, Japan

Rosie's Point of View

It's 3:40 in the afternoon, and Rosalie was in her Japan mansion, running around packing her stuff since today she was returning home. Suddenly, her phone rang, and she saw that it was her best friend from childhood, so she answered the call.

Rosie: "Hey Suho, how are you?"
Suho: "Hi, Rosie, I am good. What about you? How are you?"
Rosie: "I am fine too, in a little rush because I am packing right now. So, what is the reason for your call?"
Suho: "That's good! Why are you packing? Slow down; I don't want you to hurt yourself by being in a rush."
Rosie: "Well, I have good news. I will be returning home tomorrow afternoon, and I was wondering if you could pick me up since I don't want to bother my bodyguards if it's okay with you."
Suho: "Hmm, that's good news. That is fine with me. What time is your flight arriving from Japan?"
Rosie: "At 2:00 in the afternoon. Is that okay with you? But if it's not possible for you, then I can call my bodyguards. It's okay if you can't make it."
Suho: "No, the time is okay. It's just during school hours, but skipping my last class is okay since I am top of the class. And if it's for you, then it's never a bother for me. So, I will pick you up tomorrow, okay?"
Rosie: "Hmm, thank you. And may I ask what school do you go to? Because my parents signed me up for a high school named Saebom High School. I was wondering if you were familiar with the school or if you attend there also?"
Suho: "Wait, did I hear it right? And yes, I attend Saebom High School."
Rosie: "Hmm, okay. At least I know that you go there. Well, I have to go. I have to finish packing my last suitcase, check out of the hotel I'm staying at, and head to the airport to board my flight. It's in a few hours. I will see you soon."
Suho: "Hmm, I guess I'll let you get back to packing, right?"
Rosie: "Also, I forgot to mention that my brothers will be going back with me. I'm sure you remember them; they are really excited to meet you."
Suho: "Hmm, yeah, I remember them. I think I mean, they tried to kill me whenever they found out that I wanted to date you."
Rosie: "Oh yeah, I remember. Funny story. Well, I have to go now since I have to finish packing and also get ready to head to the airport since my flight will be taking off really soon. Finally, I get to see you after all this time. I will soon be home to take care of you. You know I missed you a lot. There was not a day where I could not stop thinking about you. Did you know that?"
Suho: "At least we will finally be together. And I know I missed you more than anyone. I can't wait for you to come back home since I felt lonely without you. But in a couple of hours, we will be in each other's arms."
Rosie: "Aww, baby, I can't wait to see you either. I have missed you more than you have missed me. I also have important news to share with you when I get home."
Suho: "Thank you, baby, and I can't wait to hear the news. But I have to go. I will call you later when your plane lands. Also, don't rush; I don't want you to hurt yourself."
Rosie: "Alright, baby. I will see you later. Bye. I love you and can't wait to see you soon."
Suho: "Bye, baby. See you in a couple of hours."

As soon as Rosalie hung up on her boyfriend, she looked down at her belly and caressed her small bump where her little baby was growing. With a loving smile, knowing that Suho loves her and is excited to hear the news of the little one that will be joining them very soon. Once she finished packing, she grabbed her bag and her suitcases with the help of her bodyguard since she can't carry anything that is above 10 pounds. So she grabbed the small one and headed out of her bedroom to her car garage, where she opened the back door of her white Jeep Wrangler. She did not want to take out her Mercedes G-Wagon that she adored so much since it was a gift from her father.

Once her suitcases were inside the car, she closed the door and headed to the driver's side. She turned on the engine while closing the door and drove to Osaka's National Airport in Japan. On her drive there, she received a call from the airport, telling her that her private jet was ready to take her back to Seoul, South Korea. As soon as she arrived at the airport, she walked in, getting her boarding pass while her luggage was being put inside the plane. She noticed that her brothers were in the plane already waiting for her with small baby gifts in their hands.

I looked at all the little things that it contained, and everything was so cute. I can't wait to have my baby since he's already loved so much by his uncles and grandparents. Hopefully, his daddy loves him too like I do. Once I finished looking at the gifts, I hugged both of my brothers and thanked them. Now that we are almost home since the private jet is pretty fast, thanks to my older brother's company.

Seoul, South Korea...

As soon as the plane landed, Rosalie grabbed her phone and called the love of her life to tell him that she is finally back home. She pressed the call button and waited for him to answer the call.

Suho: "Yeoboseyo, baby, are you home?"
Rosie: "Hi, baby, and yes, the private jet actually landed already. Can you come pick me up? I really want to see you, and I have a surprise for you. So please get to the airport as soon as possible. I really want to see you now, baby."
Suho: "Alright, baby, I am on my way. Let me just tell the housekeeper to clean the place up a bit since it's a bit messy."
Rosie: "Alright, baby, but hurry a little. It's kind of cold outside right now, and I can't be outside for a long time since it's bad for me and my health. I could get sick. I will be waiting for you inside at the gate."
Suho: "Wait for me, baby. I am on my way. I will see you soon, princess."
Rosie: "Bye, baby. Drive safely, okay? I don't need you to get hurt or worse killed. I need you alive and well. I will see you in a few minutes since I know you are desperate to see me like I am right now."

As soon as Rosalie hung up the phone call, she heard running behind her. She turned, and right there in front of her was the love of her life. So she ran to his open arms while she held her belly without him noticing and also not noticing the happy tears that she was about to let go. She was happy to be in the arms of her loved one. So she did the unexpected and grabbed his hand and placed it on her tummy while he suddenly looked up at her with shock in his eyes before grabbing her face and kissing it all over before claiming her lips in a soft kiss. They shared all the love for each other while she was happy that he finally felt their little baby move and also heard his heartbeat in a video that Rosalie sent him a few months when she found out that she was pregnant with his child.

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