'I have no idea what the heck she just said.' I glanced at Yoarashi for some kind of clarity. "You have any idea what this girl just said?"

"Not a clue. I mostly think she's just talking Morse code or something. As far as I can tell, she's asking if you have a girlfriend or something....right?" Yoarashi stated while asking the girl if this was right for her to nod.

"He does have a girlfriend. In fact, a few already." Momo, Ochako, Mina, Tsu and Kyoka stood up in front of me to keep the girl from getting closer.

"Aww, that's real bummersville. Whateve's, that's life. The good babes are always taken." The group began leaving with Kaachan walking towards me.

"You know who those students are from, right?"

"Shiketsu, right?" He nodded with everyone now a little worried.

"Figures we'd see them. UA of the East and Shiketsu of the West."

"Not only that, but the one that you met first is a first year." Mr. Aizawa pointed this out for us to look at him for a moment. "Inasa Yoarashi. He was part of the Recommended students like Yaoyorozu and Todoroki. Not only that, but he was also the one to get the best score out of the participants in the exam and was a sure in for the school."

"But he's in Shiketsu. How did that happen?" Ochako asked for Mr. Aizawa to shrug his shoulders.

"I don't know. He pulled his offer shortly after the exam without a reason. However, it's safe to say that he's proven himself worthy to take this exam since it's unusual for Shiketsu to let a first year take it. To be honest, he'd have been about the same skill level as Usagiyama during the Sports Festival at the entrance exam."

'So if we're using that as a deciding factor as well as the fact he's shown promise to take the provisional as a first year to a school that wouldn't allow it normally, he's probably able to go toe to toe with me without problems. This is interesting.' I pondered this before I overheard someone speak up from behind us.

"Hey Eraser!" Turning around, I was met by the image of a known hero to me to immediately get excited.

"It's Ms. Joke. The Smile Hero!" I started to get excited for Momo to look at me.

"You know her?"

"She's a pro hero who's fights tend to be absolutely ridiculous due to her quirk that makes those it's inflicted on to uncontrollably laugh and have difficulty even doing the simplest of acts. She's arguably one of the most difficult pro heroes to fight due to this since very few are able to control themselves!"

"Well isn't this guy Mr. Big Brains. You definitely got a nice class with you Eraser. Please date me!"

"No." Ms. Joke was immediately rejected for her to laugh at this.

"Mr. Aizawa. Do you know her?" Mina asked for the pro heroine to smile.

"Ah, yes he does. When we were younger, our agencies were right next to each other. And as if by a wonderous comet, a mutual love bloomed-"

"No it didn't."

"Pfft! You always know how to make me laugh!" The fact Ms. Joke found this funny confused me since she was literally just rejected.

"As she said, our agencies were close to one another when we were both starting out. Due to that, we both worked together on missions on occasions."

"So pairing doesn't just work with random heroes or heroes who were specifically picked for assignments, but also those that are nearby?" I asked with our teacher nodding.

"Since your mother doesn't rely on others, I'm not surprised Miruko never told you about that."

"Wait, so this is the Rabbit Hero's son? Now that's a fun person to have in your group. Let's go out sometime, Eraser."

The Wolf and The RabbitHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin