Chapter 17-Angelina Johnson

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Abby P.O.V

Outside of the boutique window snowflakes were falling to the cobblestone ground, Cecile was standing beside me as I stared out of the window.

We were supposed to be choosing dresses for the Yule ball but I was stuck, I didn't even know if I wanted to go at this point.

Instead I watched every flake gather on the window sill waiting for Cecile to finish picking her dress out.

"C'mon Abby, how about this blue one you'd look really pretty in this one," She said holding out a dark blue dress.

I shook my head.

"Okay fine what about this yellow one?" She asked pulling out another one.

"No," I said simply grazing through the racks.

"Well todays the last Hogsmeade trip you need to choose a dress for the ball, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity Abby," Cecile tells me sighing deeply.

"You already picked out your dress Cecile you can head back to the castle, I'll probably be here for a while," I smiled at my friend.

She sighed: "Are you sure?"

I nodded.

"Yeah I promise I'll be fine, I'll show you the dress I pick out when I get back to the common room alright?"

She smiled and unexpectedly hugged me.

"Everything will be fine Abby," She said before she left me alone in the boutique the only other person being the cashier.

A half an hour later I was passing through a rack and was grazing my fingers over a dress that I had found, it was absolutely gorgeous and I knew it was the one.

It was eye catching for sure but I couldn't help myself but purchasing it for the ball next week.

I wanted to talk with Fred about going to the ball together, I missed him and I couldn't hold myself back any longer I felt as though this break was long enough.

I paid for my dress at the front and had it bagged and concealed before I left the boutique to head up to the castle so I could find Fred and talk with him.

Stopping in my private dorm to set my dress aside I made my way to the fifth floor towards the Gryffindor common room.

There was a rush of Gryffindors coming in and out of the common room.

I saw Angelina Johnson and her friend Alicia Spinnet standing near the Fat Lady like they were about to go in.

I knew that Angelina was one of Freds friends and that she would probably know where he is.

"Johnson!" I called to her.

Her dark eyes looked at me catching mine, she said something to Spinnet before crossing the corridor to where I was standing.

"Yes Malfoy?" She asked unamused.

"Do you know where Fred is?" I asked her.


"Because I need to talk to him," I say annoyed.

"What about?" Johnson looked me up and down with distaste.

"None of your business, Johnson," I said rolling my eyes.

"Well it is if you want me to tell you where he is," She said dismissively.

"Seriously Johnson, you're joking me right now," I laughed amazed at her confidence.

The look she gave me told me that she wasn't kidding.

Because of a Malfoy||Fred.WeasleyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang