Chapter 2-Potions Class

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The next day was the start of classes, as it always was.

My schedule given to me by owl post; first period I had herbology with the Hufflepuffs, second period I had Care for Magical Creatures with the Ravenclaws.

And then for third period...Potions with the Gryffindors.

I woke up this morning within my dorm room with the memory of Fred Weasley giving me my journal back yesterday on the train.

I hadn't checked to see if he had gone through my journal, even though yesterday he had said that he didn't.

Pulling out my journal from my bag I opened it to find at first nothing unusual, but when I went back through my notebook I noticed that at the bottom of the pages there was a tiny drawing.

Each progressing into an animation of a boy playing quidditch.

I smiled to myself at first before quickly changing expressions realizing he had to have gone through my journal in order to have drawn those drawings.

Furiously I get up and dressed, pulling my blonde hair into a braid down my back before pushing my books into my book bag and sauntering out of my dorm room.

Stepping into the boys dormitory I made my way down the hall to find Dracos private dorm room knowing full well that he would still be asleep.

Sure enough when I opened his door, there he was in his bed sleeping soundly.

Sighing to myself I walked over to the window and pushed open the curtains revealing mock sunlight beaming down on Draco.

"Get up Draco," I shout ripping the comforter off of him.

"Hey! Five more minutes!" He protested reaching down to pull his comforter back up.

"No, get up or I'll curse your broom," I threaten.

Immediately his attitude changes and he leaps out of bed wide eyed looking at me.

"Fine! Get out so I can get changed!" He says grabbing my arm pushing me out of his room.

"Brat," I say walking down out of the boys dormitory and up to find Cecile.

She stood there waiting for me her eyebrows raised at me.

"Which boys dorm did you just come from?" She asks me.

"Oh shut it, I just came from waking my brother up if you must know," I say nudging her as we left the common room.

"You never did tell me why you're going out with Flint,"she reminds me as we climb the stairs to the ground floor.

"Oh, well he'd ban us from playing Quidditch if I said no," I say simply.

"Meaning you and your brother?"

I nod confirming.

"Tryouts are tonight so perhaps I can come up with an excuse for getting out of going out with him in October..." I say thinking out loud. "But I need to make the team first."

"So clever," Cecile murmurs.

"Oh shut up Parkinson," I laugh opening the door to the great hall.

"Whatever you say Malfoy," she laughs in response.


My first couple of classes flew by like a breeze, I have no problems with Ravenclaws or Hufflepuffs, but now...potions, that's another story.

Gryffindors and Slytherins are bound to hate each other, there isn't a known friendship between any of the house members nor will there be anytime soon.

"Today you will not be sitting with the same groups that you have been sitting with the past two years, I will be pairing you...children with those who can actually understand and comprehend the curriculum," Professor Snape says standing at the front of the classroom.

"When I call your name find a seat-no switching seats for the rest of the year as well as no partner change for the rest of the year," he says blankly.

He made his way down the list.

"Abigail Malfoy with Fred Weasley," he said lazily.

My mouth dropped.

Me with him?

How is it that my luck was so bad that I was paired with none other then Fred Weasley?

I look around and don't notice him or his twin-they weren't here.

But just like a charm the two came bursting in through the door their faces red and flustered but their eyes filled with excitement.

"Mr. Weasley," Professor Snape said dangerously.

"If you may...sit down now, when your partner raises their hand, George Weasley with Parkinson and Fred Weasley with Ms. Malfoy," Professor Snape states.

I don't even bother raising my hand because he makes eye contact with me and happily makes his way over to me a goofy grin on his face.

"Just so you know Weasley, I take my work seriously and if you don't intend to fail I'd suggest you do as well."

"Sure, sure Ms.Malfoy," he says grinning ear to ear.

Rolling my eyes I turn my attention back to Professor Snape who was facing us now his black beady eyes focusing on us all.

"You will be expected to work outside of this classroom on this in order to meet progress standards or else you shall fail," Professor Snape was saying indifferently.

I groan putting my head in my hands.

"Wonderful," I murmur.

"What's the matter darling? Don't want to spend more time alone with me?" Fred whispers as Snape drones on.

"Don't call me that Weasley," I growled under my breath.

"Aw you don't like it-darling?" He says tauntingly.

"Why'd you go through my journal?" I growled.

"Did you like the pictures that I left for you?" Fred asks me innocently.

"You didn't answer my question," I say.

"And you didn't answer any of my questions, you answer mine-I answer yours."

"Fred Weasley I will not accept you calling me darling, I hate it. We aren't I didn't like your bloody pictures they shouldn't have even been there," I say breathing deeply.

"I didn't read anything from your little diary Malfoy, I've already answered that, I just thought it'd be nice of me to do a little drawing, because I'm such a nice guy," he finally answers, chuckling under his breath.

"Well you thought wrong, you don't need to be nice to me because I'm not going to return the kindness." I say with finiteness looking him directly in his eyes.

He smiles at me almost looking like he was defeated.

It's not fair how smug he looked right now at this moment.

Word count;1077

A/n; ooo I'm starting to like this story lemme knowwww<3

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