Chapter 1-The Meeting

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My brother and I walked down the streets of Diagon Alley making our way to the book shop where we had agreed to meet our mother and father when we had finished picking up Quidditch supplies.

Draco and I had been practicing all summer to be accepted onto the Quidditch team, we would obviously make the team but we had to be the best.

I swipe away a piece of hair from my face, the blonde hair landing on my shoulder.

Draco went ahead of me climbing the stairs as the line grew out the door. We observed the crowd filled with lovers of Gilderoy Lockhart, mainly women in their upper thirties.

My mother didn't fancy Gilderoy, she always told me he was a liar and a waste of space and that she never paid any mind to him.

Draco stands at the railing looking down at the crowd below us.

"Draco," I say. "Sit down, Mother and Father said they'd be a while."

"Potters here," Draco growls looking back at me.

Harry Potter was my brother's enemy ever since he had rejected Draco's friendship, if I wasn't Draco's sister I would have laughed.

I rolled my eyes knowing he was going to start something.

I stand up and follow him down the stairs to where Harry Potter stood in a group of many redheads, who I assumed were Weasleys.

"Bet you loved that, didn't you Potter?"  Draco growled racing down the stairs stopping in front of Harry Potter.

"Famous Potter," my brother spit at the boy. "Can't even go into a  bookshop without making the front page."

"Seriously Draco..." I sigh as he continues.

I face palm at the encounter.

When I look up I observe the people my brother was battering. I see a small redheaded girl step closer to Harry.

"Leave him alone," she growled softly.

"Oh look Potter! You've got yourself a girlfriend!"

"I'm not his girlfriend!"

"Draco...If you don't stop I'm going to leave and find father," I glared at him, for a moment a bit of fear crossed his eyes.

But as soon as it appeared it disappeared.

He was about to say something until fathers cane appeared from behind him landing on his shoulder.

Draco's face turned deathly pale and he slowly turned to see father looking down on him a sadistic smile on his face.

"That's enough Draco," He says.

"Father, can I go to the ice cream shop?" I ask him.

"Yes, but Draco you stay here," my father says to my brother, he groans but doesn't complain.

Pulling my Slytherin cloak over my shoulders I exit the bookshop relieved to be getting away from my brother and his drama.

I reached the ice cream shop seeing there were two boys in front of me, both tall and redheaded, twins from the looks of it.

They ordered and moved aside for me to order.

"I'll take rocky road please," I say smiling to Florean the owner of the ice cream shop.

"Yes Miss.Malfoy," He said, taking my sickle and began to scoop some ice cream into a cup for me.

"Malfoy?" I hear a voice say, when I turn my head I see the twins looking at me, the one closest to me had said my last name.

Because of a Malfoy||Fred.WeasleyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt