Chapter 6: The Date ❤️

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Jaxx's POV:
I mindlessly walked around the Squad Mansion, looking for something to do. I hear a nearby meow. It's Moon. Awww, how cute. He paws my leg. He only does that when he wants something to follow him so I guess I have to. He leads me to Levi's room where I hear...Luca? Though Luca and Levi are brothers, they almost never really "hangout". Moon paws the door to open it and Levi notices me standing in front of the doorway. "Ah, I see you're here. Kinda can't believe i'm saying this but, please come in I need your advice for something. Especially you." Why would Levi want anything to do with me? Maybe it has to do with...yeah that..kiss. Anyway I'll just see what he is in need of. "I mean sure, okay." I hop onto his bed. "So Luca, I know you're good with love or whatever I called you here for more lovey dovey-yucky reasons. Jaxx, you're pretty good at dates. Sora tells me about them all the time so I thought you could help me." Well I am pretty good at setting dates if I do say so myself. I think for a second with Luca and we whisper about it for a minute. Then we share our idea to Levi and he agrees. We get everything prepared in an unused room. "The date is on Saturday, so until then which is 2 days, should we keep Alex away from this room until then?" Luca asks. I nod slowly to see if Levi was on board with the idea, and he was.

2 days later with Alex's POV:
Today is the day. I'm super nervous. I don't even know if he remembered our date because he has not mentioned it. Maybe he's surprising me with something? I'm honestly not too sure what to expect. Suddenly everything goes dark. Is this a blackout? Why. I feel something behind me. There is rose petals. How original, Levi. I hear purring. Miss Misa? Moon? It's both of them. They have cute hearts on their collars. Okay, I gotta admit, it's already cute. I hear "Careless Whisper" start playing. So immature. I hear a slap and whispering. Guess that wasn't a part of their plan. I chuckle and keep walking among the petals as a..path? Misa and Moon walk next to me and I pick them up. I see a table with a fancy candle and fancy chandelier above it. "Levi, the jig is up, where are you?" I look around, wondering where he is. I suddenly am tripped and fall into a pink seat? Who..? I look up to see Luca and Jaxx dressed up as butlers. They set the table and don't say anything. "I need context. Why is it dark and why are you guys so silent? SPEAK!" They don't respond and hand me a drink. I sip a bit and accidentally burp which breaks them into laughing. I laugh with them which then I hear footsteps behind me. It's Levi. I turn back around to see Jaxx and Luca...gone? They come back after a second with two covered meals. Ooh! I was so hungry. Levi sits. He's wearing a fancy suit. Ugh, I am NOT dressed for this. I have to be trueful, he looks very handsome. I blush and start questioning what he's up to. "So this is what you had in mind?" he drinks and also burps which makes me laugh hysterically. "Yup. You like it?" he says as he winks. I start to blush again before continuing to eat all of the shrimp I got. We finish our food almost at the same time and Luca picks it up while Jaxx takes our empty drinks. "Well, Levi. I had an amazing time and I'm really glad we got to do this." I complimented. He all of a sudden leans in and as soon as I knew it, we were kissing. It lasted for a few seconds before he pulled away. I was a tinted red before he winked and Jaxx just picked up the whole table and went away with it. I am also picked up by him and carried away to my room with a box of chocolates and roses. I hear a knock, it's probably Levi or one of the butlers. But it was so much worse. My brother. I forgot to tell him all the this time. How could I? I hide the chocolates and roses. "How was the date?" Oh. He already knows. Is he mad? I mean, he's always expressed that he does not enjoy the idea of us dating. "It was good. Are you m-mad?" "Well, kind of because you never bothered to tell me but hey, you're my sister. I have to respect you're growing up." He took this way more lightly then I thought he would. I feel as if he's lying, but he is right. It's not really his decision. "Well, thank you. You're a really good brother." I say as he smiles and walks out. I see a paper slip from under the door. Huh? I didn't know we had indoor mail? Or is it mail? I get up and grab the paper. It says something. "Meet me outside tomorrow, I want to talk. It's about Levi. - Bestie Jaxx :)" Oh? I guess I can do that. What would Jaxx wanna talk to me about Levi other than wanting to be his friend so bad?

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