Chapter 4: Blank Snitch 🤫

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Sora POV
As Charli walked off, I stared at Jaxx. We kept eye contact for about 3 seconds until I decided to say something. "H-how did you know?" Jaxx pulled me to a small area. "The day Levi told Charli about the secret, a little someone overheard the entire thing." he murmured as he pointed to a door in the distance upstairs. Luca's door? I guess that makes sense. He's always around somewhere I guess. "At first, I couldn't believe it, but I guess the secret spread. So that means everyone knows about this secret. But Levi doesn't know that everybody knows. Let's keep it that way."  I nodded and patted his head. We went our separate ways as I noticed a yellowish pink figure over the stairs. Oh no.

Alex POV
I was walking out of my room to get Jaxx for something when I noticed him and Sora in a corner of the main room. What are they doing? Probably flirting or something. "Hey Sora! What's going on?" I called for Sora as he stops in his tracks, looking kinda stunned. "Oh, nothing! Me and Jaxx were just talking about something important!" he yelled back at me. "Oh, okay!" I shout back again, concluding the tiny conversation. A little suspicious, but I don't think my own best friend would hide anything from me. Well. my OTHER best friend. The first one kinda already did. I tap Jaxx's shoulder. "Oh, Hey Alex! Did you need something?" "Yeah, just a little favor. Can you ask Levi something? Just need a little confirmation. Hehe." He glares at me with a little confusion and suspicion. "Levi doesn't really enjoy my presence, but I'll try my best. What did you wanna say?" I whisper in his ear. "Ha. Okay." he chuckles as he walks to Levi's room with a slight grin on his face. He better not say anything differently than I want him to or this may not go good.

Jaxx POV
I head to Levi's room, super thrilled to say this thing Alex wanted me to say. I knock. "Come in." he says as I escort myself in. "Oh gosh. What do you want?" Levi grumbles. I get closer to tell him. "Just reminding you that this is from Alex." I mutter something in his ear a few seconds after. "W-wha-? Well..uh.." he stops. Levi suddenly grabs my shirt. "Who told you? How did you find out? Yes I like Alex, but who told you..?" "I'm not gonna tell you, now answer me." I say as I attempt to fight back. "Tell me. I'm just gonna have a small chat with them." he threatens me as he pulls harder. "K-kay! FINE. I'll tell was..YOUR MOM!" I shout as I slip out of Levi's hand and run out of his room, making sure to slam his door for an extra dramatic exit. I suddenly bump into someone and get up dizzy. "Sorry..I was just-" "No it's fine. Thanks for getting my answer." Oh, It's Alex. I should probably tell her. "No need to tell me. I already know. I heard it all."

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