Chapter One: Rainy Day <3

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No one POV:
Levi walks around the mall, desperately looking for the perfect present to give to Alex for Christmas. He finds the most beautiful pink bag with pearls and black marking all over it.
"Perfect!" Levi exclaims as he gently grabs the bag and checks out to pay for it. As he wanders around to see what else she'd like, he sees Sephora. "I mean, Alex does like makeup, so maybe I'll just get that for her." After he is done looking, he decides on a pretty pink one with many colors he thought she might like. "Well, I already got the gifts for everyone else, so I guess I'm done."
Alex POV:
Levi still hasn't come back from the mall. He texted me earlier that he was wrapping things. Probably our Christmas presents! I wonder what he got me. I got him new gloves, a leather jacket, and some hair gel in case he needs it. I walk to the nearest Starbucks for a quick drink. I order the Pumpkin Spice Latte for me and a Mocha for Levi. I text Levi, "Wanna come to Starbucks? I got you a drink!" ,and wait for a response. I quickly get a text back from Levi saying "Sure, I just finished wrapping the stuff anyway." Well, that's good news. About 15 minutes later I see a shadow black figure walk in. "Hey Alex!". Oh, It's Levi!
"Hey Levi! Come get your drink!" We walk out and as soon as we do, it starts pouring. "Shoot! Uh, I didn't bring a car! i walked here!" THIS IS BAD! We'll get all wet from this! I hate this! "It's okay! Luckily I brought an umbrella just in case becuase I checked the weather today!". I see Levi randomly pull out an umbrella and open it. He pulls me under it and we run quickly to the house. I don't even realize we start holding hands while running. "Aah-!" I yell as I trip. I thought I was dead for moment, but I see a figure over me. "Close one, huh?" Levi says as I acknowledge that he had caught me. "O-oh, uh, thanks Levi..". I guess I was still so shooken up that I didn't realize we were already home because Levi had to carry me the whole way.
Levi POV:
Had to carry Alex home because she clearly didn't look at the weather and wore boots. I walk into the Squad Mansion soaking wet. "What happened to you guys?" Charli asks, unaware of the rain banging against the windows. "Well, I had to carry Alex because we got caught in the rain getting Starbucks." I say, knowing what she's gonna probably say. "Ooh~ Do you like her?" I sigh and shake my head. Well, I kinda did, BUT IMAGINE HOW MUCH CHARLI AND SORA WOULD BUG ME IF I DID CONFESS?! Ugh. "WE ARE BEST FRIENDS ONLY!!!" Alex yells as she awakes and storms off. "Bestie? Where are you going? You didn't even get your drink it's right here!" I laugh as she walks back to where I am sitting, grabs her drink, and storms off again to..I'm assuming her room? "Please tell me, do you actually like her? PLEASE TELL ME?? I WON'T TELL HER ANYTHING!! PLSS!" Charli whines as she pulls on my arm. "Ugh! Fine." I go up to her ear and cover my mouth. "I do. But if you tell her, I won't ever tell you another one of my secrets ever again. Promise you won't tell her?" I whisper as I hold up my pinky. "I won't. I promise, silly goose." she whispers back as we "pinky promise". "I'm not a silly goose.." I mumble. I stare at the window and watch the raindrops race down. I wonder if she'll tell her? I hope not.


Levi's Crush Outbreak ! (Alevi)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें