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Toby's pov
Me and Ben are sitting in his room. He sits on my lap as he plays Poppy Playtime. "This shit isn't even scary!" Signing if relief I answer, "Oh thank God, I'm not the only one who thought that." There's suddenly a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" Ben yells as he gets up. "What do you guys want?" "Uh, so e.j. wants to invite you guys to join our cul- um I mean club. Here, uh come at 4 later today. " Jeff says as he an Clockwork run away. "Uh... okay." He comes back to sit with me and throws the letter next to me. "

Couples Meeting!
4:00p.m. be there or be square!
Initiation of newest creepypasta couple today!

"Um... I think there's a cult?" Ben gives me a look. "Uh what the fuck" "you heard me, it's like a couples thing and they said initiation which I find kinda weird."I say kind of answering his question "Soo should we go?" He asks. "Well it might be weird, but sure! I'm just scared for what gonna happen there" He nods in agreement.


bens povv
Me and Toby walk to Jeff's room looking for the number 65. "Wait, I think that's it" I knock on the door and E.j. opens it with a pink/red cloak on. "Hello, uh please come in" we walk in and

we got knocked tf out

I wake up to see Jeff, e.j., and Jane standing over me, looking to my side I see hoodie, maksy, and Clockwork standing over Ben. "ayo what the fuck" I sort of yell. "Shut the fuck up" Jeff flicked me "bitch you're the one who knocked me out" I shout slapping his hand away. "Ow, shit" I hear Ben say as he sits up. "Hey, hey" I say to grab his attention. "Sup' uh do you have any idea on where the fuck we are?" He asks still rubbing his eyes. "So about that, um no." I say making Ben chuckle "great" I shrug my shoulders in a 'sorry' way. "Hey uh where the fuck are we"  Jeff rolls his eyes. "Uh you're in the basement, haven't you guys been down here for like spare weapons or something?" He asks in annoyance "uh no." We, me and Ben, say in unison. He rolls his eyes again. "Who's idea was it to let these two in!" "Yours" e.j., masky, hoodie, Jane, and Clockwork all say at the same time. "ANYWAY!! welcome to our cul- um club. Uh please feel welcome to get food or drinks or whatever.  Ben almost immediately goes for a can of monster, as well as Jane. I just go to sit down on the small couch we had from when there were less of us. "So what the fuck do you guys do here" I ask. "we find people we want to put in relationships and place bets on if or when they get together..." Jane finaly says. "Oh and if they don't get together for like 5 months we try to help them!" Jeff adds. "Wait so who started this... cult?" Jeff gasps, over exaggerating. "Number one, this is totally nit a cult! Number two, me and e.j. started dating first because we knew eachother before Slendyboy decided to turn us into murderers." He says triumphantly. "Then it was hoddie and masky, then Jane and Clockwork."e.j. adds. "Oh but we were dating before we came here." Hoodie says.  "Anymore questions?"

Cliffhanger ig not really tho💀
Anyways I hope you liked this chapter and more will be coming out!
Word count~ 612

Glass Closet (Ticcitoby X Ben Drowned) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now