Chapter 5

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Chris had dropped me off at his house and said he'd be back because he had business to attend to.

"wow, this place is huge!" I said to myself.

I sat in the kitchen thinking about what to drink . I finally decided on some tequila.

3 hours later

"I love the way the this picture.... pictures!!! Hahaha" i said slurred because of all the drinks I've had.

"hey Arianna I'm back. Do you-"

"CHRIS!! YAY! I MISSED YOU, COME GIVE MAMACITA A HUG!!" I shouted at the huge Australian standing in front of me.

"wow, you've managed to get drunk in 3 hours" Chris said

"what, me, drunk? No I never get- wow you are looking hot!"

"yeah babe I always am,"

I ran to Chris and jumped on him. Next thing I knew we were on his counter top having an intense make out session. He grabbed my waist and I softly moaned. So I decided to run my fingers through his hair. Chris didn't moan, he insisted brought me to the guest room and ripped off my shirt.

"Arianna, come on!"

Cliff hanger. I felt bored so I made this little chapter even though Kayla just updated. Anyways do you think they're gonna... Do it? It is only chapter 5. Comment, vote and show your friends!!!!

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