Season 1:Washington B.C

Start from the beginning

Ben scrunched his face in revolt knowing that his grandfathers food was disgusting and Gwen scrunched her face as well.

Y/N knew how to deal with this problem however. He always put the plate near the window and always chucked it out. Or he could always have Ben turn wildmutt to eat it.

When they arrived at the mega mart, Y/N was looking for a Hamster that he's wanted for a while now.

Max: you really like hamsters don't ya Y/N?

Y/N: I've always wanted to look after another hamster. They're so cute most of the time!

Gwen: what happened to the first one?

Y/N: a bully flushed it down the school toliets. But this time this one will live! And I'm gonna call it-


Y/N was cut off by Ben looking at a sumo slammers card.

Y/N: obsessed much?

Gwen: right?

Ben: I HAVE to have this card man!

Y/N: you really don't.

Ben: why?!?

Y/N: because when you have a watch that can turn you into anything, why need a card!

Ben: because I just wanna be normal for a little bit before going back to hero work!

Y/N:....oki then..

When Y/N walked off to go and get cereal for max, he heard rucus from one isle. He went around the corner and was shocked to see that the cereal isle was completely trashed.

Y/N walked through the isle and saw a box moving around. He picked it up and saw Ben as greymatter in a box.


Greymatter: trying to get the golden sumo slammers card!

Y/N: Ben, YOURE supposed to use your powers for good! Not to get some dumb sumo slammers card!

Greymatter: WHOS gonna care or notice?

Y/N:um, the store employees and OWNER!!

Employee: what are you doing young man?!

A employee was behind our hero with a face of dissatisfaction.

Y/N: it wasn't me! It was my idiot of a friend !

Employee: well SOMEONE has to pay for all of this!

Y/N: oh boy, what have I gotten myself into....


When Y/N and Ben met back with the group , there was practically a tower of cereal.

Max: so uhhh.... Why do we have to buy all this cereal?

Ben: well we wouldn't have had to if Y/N here didn't but in with his big BUTT!

Y/N: earth to Ben?! You were trashing the cereal isle for some dumb card?! Why does it matter!?! Look, Ben, it doesn't matter if you didn't get what you want! Being a hero is what matters and doing the right thing matters as well! THESE THINGS ARENT TOYS!

The gang looked at Y/N when he said that last bit, and Y/N remembered what his father said about the entire universe being after the deivices and he just wanted Ben to know as well.

Max:but Y/N is right Ben, you shouldn't use this watch just for yourself.

Ben: maybe you're right, grandpa, I don't deserve a sumo slammers card, I mean, it's not like I saved a burning BUILDING OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT!

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