Chapter 2

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Sweetie, wake up we're here. My mom nudges my shoulder as I hear car doors slam. I can distinctly point out my little brothers wail from inside the house.

I pop one eye open. "Wake up sleepy head", my brother shouts from the trunk.

I groan, only when I finally fall asleep will I have to wake up. "I'm awake now leave me alone."
My mother sighs and walks away. I shield my eyes as I exit the car. I have a crook in my neck and my arm is numb.

Turning around and I haul up 3 boxes and silently whisper three words. *Saugwik Allakmanamun Arkwail*.
The boxes slowly leave my hand and float towards the house. Totally transfixed on the boxes I failed to notice my father sneak up on me.

"Stop using magic and pick up the dam boxes." His shouting nearly made me drop them.
I ease them to the ground as I try to slow my heart rate.

"Fine, I'll do manual labor the human way", grumbling to myself only gets me yelled at more.

I speed walk to the boxes left on the gravel and sprinted up the brick steps to the open double doors.

"Mom, where do you want these boxes", I shouted.

"Mom said put taped boxes in the kitchen and the open ones in the living room." My brother, Markus, comes running down the stairs with a candy bar in one hand and our little brother in the other.

Devonta just sat there eating a blow pop without a care in the world. He was too small to do any heavy lifting and couldn't make it up the stares with a bag without my mom having a heart attack.

Why buy a big house if you're afraid the smallest one will break his neck?

He sits Devonta down and walks into the living room.

"Ok". Setting down the top one I walk to the kitchen and place the two boxes on the kitchen table.

Every surface in this house seems covered with either dust, boxes, or both.

I finally stop to look around the kitchen. The house is beautiful. It's colonial style and the interior seems to have a modern style to it.

Just as I'm done staring I feel it. The slight tremor in my gut turns into a full blown cramp.

My heart rate accelerates and my palms become sweaty. Before I can stop anything it happens.

The kitchen disappears and my mind fuzzes over. The world around me turns into a tunnel. There's no light at the end of this tunnel, only more darkness.

Just as suddenly, as if it never happened, my world snapped back.
Only, it isn't my world.
I'm standing in front of an alter. My body seems to have a mind of its own. I feel wet and numb. My breathing becomes erratic and I look down to feel the cool edge of a blade touch my wrist.

I gape at what I'm looking at.'s everywhere. My bare feet are soaking in it, my hands are covered in it, and my chest is painted like a canvas in it. I start gasping for breath, the feeling of something blocking my lungs overcome me.

I drop to my knees and feel my left arm raise up. I try to scream at what I see. A heart is there, fully functioning. The blood is pumping out of it fast. My body convulses and slipping on my right side something comes to my attention.

I feel cold, my head is heavy and my arm is still raised with the beating heart. The dagger disappeared, and as I look down my clothes disappear.

I stare in utter horror as I feel air pass through me. There is literally a hole in my body.

And just as quick as this nightmare came it was over.

The tunnel comes and my mind fuzzes back over. My body convulses before I feel it stretching out. My arms reach out into the darkness. I shut my eyes and feel body and mine snap back.
My eyes pop open.

Everything, including me, was hovering. I floated above the kitchen table.

"What the hell is going on", Gabriel shouted from the archway to the kitchen. At first time stood still then everything dropped. Every box with a piece of tupperware or appliance dropped. The boxes left a nasty crunch as they hit the table and floor. The glass cups were shattered at my feet.

I landed on my hands and knees. I was the last to fall and felt it.
The shattered glass at my feet tucked itself snugly into my flesh.
My hands were slowly bleeding out as my boots shifted. The sound of crunching glass made me wince. Ignoring the pain in my hands, I stood up slowly and took deep breaths.

I glance up to my brother and he stared at me and ran shouting for our parents.

Now I'm screwed...

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