Chapter 42: swimming friends

Start from the beginning


"Okay, besides the point you can't swim does it seem like fun?"

Rose was again silent, pondering on the matter. After a couple of seconds, a small nod was given.

"All right, then why are you hesitant?"

She shrugged her shoulders.

It was fine with me why she didn't know. I would just ask her more questions to see if she really wanted to swim or not.

I knew that Rose had trouble with reading her own feelings and emotions, which also affected her decision-making.

After all my wrong doings I wanted to show her I could be in fact a nice human being and a great Daddy for her, if she was still interested.

"Does swimming bring up bad memories?" I remembered how I had sent her to the pool a couple of months ago without realizing she couldn't swim.

Maybe that is why she is so hesitant.

Only, it was a negative as Rose mumbled a small 'no'.

I nodded my head, acknowledging her answer. Just as I wanted to ask her another question, Rose spoke up.

"I think... I think I am scared." She went silent, thinking of her next words. "Scared of things going wrong."

"Okay, that's totally understandable. But what if I am there the whole time making sure you won't drown. Or would you rather have Nathan teach you?" I told myself not to seem hurt if she choose Nathan because it would be normal seeing our history together. I wouldn't blame her.

But to my joy, Rose shook her head. "I want you to teach me, but Derek?"


"Who are your friends that could help me?"

I smiled and winked. "Just wait and see."

Ten minutes later I was blowing my lungs to death with those god damn horrible inflatable things people use in their pools. It was right then I remembered why I never used those.

It almost killed me right then, right there.

I could hear Nathan snicker in the background. "You are doing it the wrong way, man. If you keep going like that you might even blow your lungs out."

"How can you possibly blow wrongly?" I asked irritated, not knowing I made a rather dirty innuendo.

It was then Nathan burst out laughing, I think I could hear Max giggle too.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, that was so funny," I sarcastically grumbled. "I really picked out my best friend for his kindness."

"Sorry, I am sorry, here let me help you," he still laughed as he wiped his tears away.

Just as I was handing him the inflatable dolphine or orca or whatever that things was supposed to be, I heard him lowly whisper for my ears only to hear, "You really can blow wrong, you know."

I punched his arm. "Oh shut up!"

Nathan snickered again like a twelve-year-old teenage boy but did managed to inflate that stupid thing within seconds.

I guess you could blow wrong.

Ugh, I hate myself.

"Her you go little duck," Nathan spoke to Rose while handing the inflatable dolphin... orca. Whatever.

Rose said a small thank you and I couldn't help to feel proud. Even when she was as quiet as she was now, Rose still remembered her manners.

I stood up. "All right, you ready?"

She gave me a small nod and followed me to the pool, where Max was happily swimming away.

"First, let's get your body accustomed to the temperature of the pool." I walked around the large pool and stood in the water on the first steps of the stairs that was built in.

I held my hand for her to take, which she took and stood beside me in the water.

"How does that feel?"


I could see how she relaxed her body and enjoyed the moment.

After a couple of minutes I opted to go in the pool. Rose was hesitant but followed me anyway. We went a few steps further until she could still stand but was already halfway in the water.

That afternoon I taught Rose how to swim and everything went fucking perfect. She completely trusted me and not once she wanted Nathan to stand close by.

Of course, she couldn't swim perfectly but it was way better then when we first started.

I was proud of her and I beamed when she said she actually enjoyed it.

Rose told me it soothed her body, the water, as she still had some aches from being in a coma, laying down for four months.

I felt a sharp ache when she spoke of that dark period, but I tried to conceal my pain. It wasn't fair of me to speak of pain when it was her who went through the suffering.

Evening came around and Nathan had to leave with the two little ones. Rose wasn't too happy about it. I could her small whines and a slight stern Nathan.

I wished she could stay with me, but I knew that wasn't smart. We had to take steps and today we had set many, but not enough for her to stay over.

Very reluctant Rose let me go after our hug to step in Nathan's car.

"I am sorry man, but I dont think it's smart to go at such a fast pace." He said apologetically.

"No, it's fine. I know this is better. I get that."

"Good," was all Nathan said after giving me a short hug.

Shortly after I saw his car vanishing from my driveway. I sighed.

Patience, Derek. Patience.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day!

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