Começar do início

Apparently all you needed was Ransom because after falling asleep in his bed you didn't wake up or have nightmares once.

The next morning, Ransom is beyond confused when his alarm clock wakes him up at 7. He groans at the extremely annoying sound and blindly searches for his phone, tapping on his screen until his room is quiet again. He feels you move in his arms and it hits him: he has a job now. He opens his eyes before he accidentally falls asleep again and watches as you sit up facing him. He chuckles at your messy bed hair.

"Stop laughing at me!" You use your hands to try and tame your hair as best as you can, for now.

"I'm not laughing at you. You look really cute in the morning, you know that?" He tilts his head, smiling up at you.

You feel heat creep up to your cheeks and roll your eyes at his teasing. "Are you excited for your first day?" You smile brightly, excited for him.

"Not as much as you are, but close." He smiles. "But my boss needs to get out of my bed otherwise I'll be late for my first day." He teases, gently poking at your side.

You squirm and hurry out of bed. "I'm gone." You laugh as you walk out of his room, coming face to face with Chase. "Good morning." You smile.

"Good morning, princess." He looks at your PJs and at Ransom's door, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did. You?" You frown slightly, not sure why he's smiling the way he is.

"Like a baby."

Ransom opens his door to go change and get ready in the bathroom but stops when he sees you and Chase standing there. "What's going on?"

"Nothing, just ran into Chase when I came out of your room." You wrap your fingers around Chase's arm and make him follow you out of Ransom's way.

"Alright." Ransom walks away and goes to the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

"I don't think I've ever seen him up this early."

"He's starting at the library today. I got him a job there."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"What do you mean?" You look at your best friend, confused.

"Well you're living together and now working together, what if you fight at work? Or at home and then have to work together?"

"We'll cross that bridge if we get to it. He needs this job, I'm not going to turn my back on him because we might fight."

"You're right, you're right." He kisses your forehead. "Go get ready."

At 8 sharp, Ransom is waiting for you at the door.

"I can't find my car keys." You sigh, trying to remember what you did with them Thursday.

"Are those your keys?" He picks up a keychain from the small candy dish on the table next to the door.

"Yes!" You smile and take them from him. "Let's go."

"Are you sure you're feeling ok enough to go to work, kitten?" He looks down at you, worried. Three days ago you had a very high fever and now you're going back to work, he can't help but feel that's not enough time to rest.

"I'm sure. If I don't feel good, I'll come home. I promise." You smile to reassure him.

He steps aside and opens the door to let you walk out of the loft, following closely behind.

"This is your first job, right?" You ask Ransom after a few minutes of driving.

"Yeah. Well, I was an intern for Harlan for a few summers but that's it."

𝙽𝙴𝚆 𝙶𝚄𝚈Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora