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Chase opens his mouth to repeat himself but Ransom gestures for him to not say another word, then pointing at your sleeping form.

"She's off limits." Chase says quietly.

"Calm down. There's absolutely nothing going on, I was just cold." He answers just as quietly, unaware that you are awake and that you can hear everything.

"Yeah, right." Chase scoffs. "It doesn't look like "nothing" from over here."

Ransom rolls his eyes. "Would you just relax?! I have no intention to steal your dorky little girlfriend. She's all yours."

As soon as he feels you tensing up against his chest, Ransom knows he just messed up badly. He tilts his head to the side to look at your face and as he feared, you're awake and you've heard what he said.

You sit up and refuse to look at him, even when he is squeezing your hip nervously.

"I'm gonna go to bed. We should probably try to rewatch the movie another day, uh?"

"Yeah..." Theo says while watching the three of you.

You stand up, forcing Ransom to let go and you leave him the blanket. You crouch down to kiss Theo's cheek. "Good night." You stand back up and walk over to Chase, leaning down to kiss his cheek as well. "Good night."

"Good night, princess."

Just as you reach the doorway, Ransom calls for you. "You're forgetting your blanket."

"Keep it for the next time you're cold." You answer without looking back, heading straight to your room and shutting the door quietly, locking it just in case.

You stop in front of the mirror and look at yourself. "I wouldn't want to be seen with me either." You say under your breath, not liking what you see in the reflection.

You turn off the light and crawl under the covers, curling up on yourself as a way to soothe your anxiety and hurt. You ignore Ransom's knocks at your door and his texts. You have nothing to say to him, he's made himself pretty clear, twice. He's too good to be seen with you, to be your friend and you're over trying to prove yourself to him. From now on you're going to be exactly what he's been wanting from you since day one: the girl he shares a living space with.

You wake up the next morning in a still sour mood. You're tempted to stay in bed until you have to go to work tomorrow morning but you won't give him the satisfaction of you being M.I.A. because of him.

You get dressed, deciding to put on a pair of jeans and your favorite band t-shirt. You put on a pair of fuzzy socks instead of shoes and once you're ready, you unlock your door and walk out with your head held up high.

"Good morning, princess." Chase greets you with a smile when he sees you coming. "Are you hungry?"

"Starving!" You walk over to where he is and let him pull you into a hug, wrapping your arms around his torso.

"Good. Theo should be back with breakfast soon." He kisses your forehead before you let go.

"A breakfast I won't have to cook? How fancy." You chuckle.

"Only the best for our best girl." He grins at his cheesy line.

"Suck up." You slap his arm playfully with the back of your hand. "You're only saying that because I'm usually the one in control of how many slices of bacon you get."

"Yes and since you love me the most, I get extra slices."

"Or maybe that's what I want you to think. Maybe someone else is getting more slices than you are."

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