Rude much?

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It was like any other day. Sibuna were sat on the edge of their seats wondering what the universe would throw at them this time. I mean when was the last time they had had a rest from having to save the world from an ancient Egyptian evil, excluding the time that all of the Nina drama had occurred.

Patricia: How the hell are we gonna do this without Nina!

Amber: Well before she left she kind of gave me her locket but it doesn't seem to do anything or light up when i use it

Eddie: Let me try it out

Amber: Sorry Ed, but she gave me specific instructions that were not to let you touch it as she couldn't bare the thought of you touching anything that was apart of her

Eddie: Must of took a lot of work of work to remember that one

Amber: Sure...Funny pick on the one who "slacks" off, "forgets" things and seems "ditsy"

A single tear dropped down her face.

Eddie: Whoa there! Geez it was just a joke!

Amber: Sure... Just a joke

With that, Amber got up from her seat and left the room.

Eddie: What's her problem?

Patricia: Unbelievable!

Patricia got up as well and left the room in search of Amber.

Alfie: Dude?

He also got up from his seat and joined Patricia on her search for Amber. Fabian raised a hand to the back of his head to scratch it.

Fabian: Well y-y-you see, I'm just gonna go

And much like the three before him, he left the room too.

Eddie scoffed.

Eddie:...Rude much?

just my way of saying I love you~Neddie~On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now