I'll do it

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Eddie felt a horrible feeling in his gut ever since he had been rude to Naomi...There was something about her...But that feeling quickly died down when he started thinking about her again and how she would have been so disappointed in him. So that morning he made it his priority to apologise to Naomi and make amends with her. And luckily enough she was sat at the table laughing and talking with the other members of Anubis house. Eddie slipped into the free seat beside her and tapped her shoulder. Nothing.

Eddie: Look I’m sorry I was mean to you yesterday... I just have a lot on my mind. I mean come on friends forgive each other, right?

She turned around a small smile on her face.

Naomi: Right!

Eddie let out a sigh of relief as she had just forgiven him.

Naomi: It’s a shame we aren’t friends

Naomi smirked at Eddie and turned back around to carry on her conversation with Mara.

‘Geez she is one mean girl but...she would want me to make a mends with her so I have to do what is right.’ Eddie thought.

Victor: ‘Morning you mischievous rug rats as you all may know we have a new member to Anubis house and one of you lucky people get the pleasure of showing her around school for the day.

Eddie’s hand immediately shot up.

Eddie: I’LL DO IT! I’LL DO IT!

Victor rolled his eyes but continued on,

Victor: Fine then. Miss Matthews you will be shown around by Mr Miller.

He then left the room muttering something about ‘pesky little rats’ to himself.

Eddie didn’t say anything but caught the glare Naomi sent to him and shivers were sent down his spine when her glare turned into a smirk and she mouthed the words ‘Two can play at that game’

What had he gotten himself into?

just my way of saying I love you~Neddie~On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now