Chapter 7: The End Of The Beginning

Start from the beginning

Well in the end no one had time to talk. The bell rung. Chabashira sensei came in the classroom and homeroom started.

"Alright, morning homeroom is starting. Are there any questions before we start? If there's something on your mind, feel free to speak up." said Chabasira sensei

She talked as if she was completely convinced that the students had something to ask. Immediately, several people raised their hands.

In the end she didn't get a chance to ask about the questions that the students had, since Ike had no courtesy and started by demanding his questions to be answered first.

"Sensei you said that at the first of the month we would get our points. But after checking my balance today I noticed it didn't change. Why?"

I think Chabashira sensei was about to call him out for ignoring his classmates and asking with no permission, but she probably noticed that no hands were raised anymore, indicating that everyone had the same question.

"Since all of you had the same question let me answer then." she started

"Ike, I explained it in the first day, didn't I? Points are transfered to your accounts on the first day of the month, every month. They were sent without any problems this month as well." she said

"If that's true why didn't we get any points even though they were sent successfully? Is the school going to compansate us after making such a mistake sensei?" asked Yamauchi with a huge grin engraved all over his face, thinking that he exposed the school and asking for compensation on top of that.

Thinking that Yamauchi solved the problem and determining that there was a problem with the system everyone felt at ease.


Until, for some unkown reason Chabashira laughed ironically, mocking what Yamauchi had done up to this point.

After a little while she regained her strict demeanor and started talking again.

"... Are you guys really that stupid?"

Everyone in the class was either upset or cought by surprise after lintening to what Chabashira sensei said.

"Stupid? What?" another retard named Houndo said

But before he could say anything else Chabashira sensei with a sharp glint in her eyes as Hondou repeated her words like an idiot said:

"Sit, Hondou. I'll explain it again."

Surprised by her tone everyone stayed quiet and waited for her explanation.

"Points were deposited. Without fail. The likelihood that this class was left out is very low. Do you understand?"

Of course the contradiction, that is on everyones minds ,  is that we got zero points. 

So if what Chabashira sensei said is true, does that mean that zero points were deposited? Would be the normal conclusion.

"Hahaha, I see, it was like that, teacher. I've understood this riddle now."

Koenji said in a loud voice while laughing. Putting his feet on the table, he pointed at Hondou with his self-important attitude.

"We didn't receive any points because we're in class D."

"Hah? What's that supposed to mean. They said we'd get 100,000 points every month..." said Hondou supported by Ike and Yamauchi.

"I don't remember hearing that. Right?"

Smirking, Koenji then turned and pointed his finger to Chiyabashira-sensei.

"Your attitude has some problems, but what Koenji is saying is on the right track. Not many people seem to have noticed my hint. How sad." she paused and then continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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