Chapter: eighteen

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Jeongin pov

After I ran out of the dorm I went to Chan dorm. I wanted to talk to him about my feelings. I ran to the dorm and knocked on the door.

Changbin opened it again with a wide smile "you here for Chan?" He asked smiling

"Yeah, how do you know?" I asked he just shrugged "I just know stuff" he smiled I looked at him weirdly and walked in I went to Chan's room and knocked on the door he opened it and looked surprised but still smiled and offered me to come in.

"Hey jeongin what did you come here for," he asked

"I just wanted to talk to you and see you," I said taking a deep breath I ran all the way here I could've asked Felix to drop me off here

"Ok, what's up?" He asked sitting on his bed he patted a spot next to him I followed him and sat next to him.

"Well um, I like you more than friends and I want to have a relationship with you it is ok if you don't want one with me but I've liked you for a long time and I wanted to shoot my shot," I said avoiding eye contact.

Chan didnt say anything for a while I started to panic a little so I looked at him. He had the biggest smile I've seen on him. Oh no.

"Guess what," he said still smiling moving from side to side slightly

"What?" I asked still worried

"I like you too jeongin," he said I snapped my head to look at him in disbelief he just laughed at me

"What? Is it surprising that I like you back?" He asked I nodded my head frantically

"But you're amazing!" Chan smiled I blushed and shook my head

"So now that I know our feelings are mutual will you go out with me and possibly be my boyfriend?" He asked I smiled and shook my head yes "yes, to both" I said making him squeal I laugh at how cute he was.

Holy shit I have a boyfriend now I HAVE A BOYFRIEND NOW!

Shorter chapter but I'm the book is close to an end sadly this was my first stray kids' book and it was a little wack in the beginning but the ending will be good and so will the next book thank you for 300+ reads I love you all!

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