Chapter: six

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minhos pov

Fuck I like Hannie. Why do I have to like my best friend! I went back to my dorm see Chan sitting on the couch eating instant noodles. I pouted he looked at me trying not to laugh. "I like Hannie" I confessed he burst out laughing and sat him noddles down clenching his stomach "This isn't funny!" I yelled

"It kind of is, just like what last night the night before that you were like 'Nah I don't like him were just friends!' " he said mocking my voice making me giggle "and now you just figured out your feeling how did you know?" Chan asked making me blush

he gasped "You didn't kiss him did you?" he asked with wide eyes I shook my head no with wide eyes

"No no no we just hugged and it felt nice I felt safe and comfortable I've never felt like that hugging him before! then it just clicked!" I said Chan gave me a big smiled

"I'm so proud of you what are you gonna do now?" he asked sitting up

"I don't know I don't think he likes me," I said Chan lets out a frustrated sigh "what?" I questioned

"Did you not notice how the guy looks at you? Clearly not! When we went to the mall and I sat behind you and Han didnt look too happy I decide to test the waters and put my chest to your back and glanced at him he look upset that I did that! He was jealous Lee Know!!!" chan said standing up walking to me

"No!" I said that's too good to be true don't deserve Han

"uh YEAH! I will go flirt with Han and you just for it to click for both of you!" he threatens I glared at him and got close to his face

"Try to flirt with Han I dare you! I'll go hang out I.N!" I said pointing at his chest he got real silent when I said that.

"I'm just saying you're oblivious as fuck!" he said making me roll my eyes Chan got a message and quickly ate the rest of his food "Shit I have to meet up with Seungmin I have a song I want him to sing!" he smiled I stopped him "Hey you know Seungmin and I.N are really good friends ask him to officially introduce him to you!" I smiled he paused smiling shyly at the thought of spending time with I.N and just nodded then left.

chan pov

I ran all the way to my studio I didnt want to take the car. I walked into the studio out of breath I saw Seungmin and... Hyunjin? He knows he's not allowed in the studio booth with us right? Seungmin saw me smile at Hyunjin and waved bye Hyunjin smiled nodding.

"Is he staying?" I asked seungmin walking with him to the room he smiled and nodded

Awww I grinned like a dork at him making him look at me weird I just started laughing I look back and Hyunjin and saw him glaring but then stopped when I caught him. All these jealous kids I swear.

I gave Seungmin the lyric I wanted him to sing and set up the music and the recording system. I pressed record and gestured for him to sing. I just sat back listening to him sing he has such a calming voice. Here comes the rapping part! My eyes widen as he rapped flawlessly. He has a good rapping voice! I waited until the whole song was over and stopped recording I pressed the microphone and said

"THAT WAS FUCKING AMAZING!!!!!" I yelled he laughed and almost fell I walked into the booth and hugged him "You sounded so good!" I smiled he hugged back "Thank you!" he smiled

"Ok so I talk to another producer he's more advanced than me and sent him one of the recordings of you singing and he loved it! He said we should make some social media account and post some of your singing to see how the people think first and don't worry I will help with that and if it works out which it will, there will soon be a meeting with him!" I smiled.

"Wow, this is all happening so fast!" He smiled

"Are you having second thought? Because we can take it slow if you'd like?" I asked

"Yeah if you don't mind I'm not confident in my singing ability's," he said

"You should be you have an amazing voice," I said and saving the recording we just shot

"Thank you for doing all of this for me!" He said and hugged me from behind

"Of course! I love working with new people. Speaking of new people" I started getting nervous turning around Seungmin leaned on the wall waiting for me to continue

"You know I.N right?" I asked regretting it they sat together the whole time at the mall of course they do!

"Yeah why," he said squinting his eyes

"Can youuu introduce me to him officially? I wanna meet him and become his friend" I said with an awkward smile wow I've never been so nervous

"Just friends?" He asked walking towards me

"Y-yeah I mean he's very cute but i- i- fuck I don't know I just wanna make him happy ok!" I stuttered feeling intimidated he can be a little scary

"Ok," he said but then put his hand on each side of the chair and got real close to my face making me try to move back he looked me in the eyes "But I swear if you hurt him in any and I mean any way I will hurt you worse! I don't care if your helping me if you hurt my friends I will hurt you very badly" he threatened in a scary calm voice.

I gulped and shook my head, "I promise I won't hurt him if I do ill do everything to make it up to him I promise you to have nothing to worry about" I said nervously

He smiled and pulled away from me "Good! Glad we're on the same page" and acted as nothing happen I held on to my chest and took a breath. I never knew he got to be so scary jeez.
Then we got back to work meaning me and we took pictures and I posted snippets of the recording he sang and rapped

Hyunjin pov

I was so bored like extremely bored so I went up to the room they were in and looked through the window. I saw Seungmin hugging Chan from behind my heart dropped a little. I decided to keep watching. I see Seungmin pin Chan in his chair his hand on each side holding the chair in place and he got close to his face. They looked like they were about to kiss but they didn't. I saw Chan gulp my eyes started to water. Seungmin pulled away smiling while Chan look flustered. What's happening in there? I started getting irritated and just went back to my seat. I wiped my eyes off sniffing and just went on my phone I saw that Chan post making me roll my eyes.

This isn't fair! I should be the one in the chair and hanging out with Seungmin. Fuck this! I got up and texted Seungmin I'm going back to my dorm and left. I slammed the door making I.N jump.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"Chans a fuck prick that's what's wrong!" I yelled he looked surprised to him Chan seemed like a nice guy

"What happened?" He asked sitting next to me on my bed

"I fucking hate Bang Chan he gets everything he wants," I said about to cry I.N pulled me into a hug

I heard a knock on the door I wiped my eyes got up to open the door to see Seungmin looking upset.

"Why did you leave me?" He asked sounding a little angry

"You didn't seem to need me there you had Chan with you!" I snapped

"So? I wanted to go eat with you! But you left and Chan walked me back to my dorm!" He said my jaw tightened of course he did!

"I'm sorry ok? I'm just tired so please leave." I said calmly he looked hurt

"Fine" he muttered and left I started feeling guilty and I just lay down in my bed

"You ok?" I.N asked worriedly

"Yeah I'm good just tired," I said I fell asleep crying


Baby I'm Jealous ||Minsung|| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now