[BEEHIND] Golden Disc Award 2022

Start from the beginning

Hanny: And my trophy...


Hanny: I should make my speech with the trophy

(Our chatterbox wants to talk more)

Hanny: I didn't know that I literally had a minute. After exactly one minute, the red light started to blink. So I was like, "Okay... I'll stop"

(Found the red light. Wrapping up quickly)

Hanny: I'll cherish it. Thank you

(I'll go by my own...)

Hanny: I heard that SEVENTEEN is performing their stage, so...

(Hanny came to watch SEVENTEEN's performance)
(Can't stop myself from dancing)

Hanny: I was just told the award is running over a lot

(GOLDEN DISC went longer than we planned)

Hanny: Since the News will be aired after the show I only have 40 seconds. Say thanks to everyone in 40 seconds

(Mission: Say thanks to everyone in 40 sec)

Representer: Digital Song of the Year goes to Hanny and BTS, congratulations

(She didn't forget her trophy this time)
(Yay, I won 2 awards)
Hanny: I swear, I'm telling this story on the Hanny TV only, I had a dream. Maybe it was 2nd of January anyways, very early this year,

(Hanny saw a good omen in her dream)

Hanny: I had a dream, and it was crazy, you know I saw lots of good omens in my dream, don't you?

Minjae: Can you tell us a little...

Hanny: No, no

Minjae: Just a little, please

Hanny: No, my mom would be mad at me

Minjae: Just a little, please

Hanny: She said I must not tell anyone about my dreams

(Such a good daughter)

Hanny: If I do that, it won't bring me any luck, she said

(It won't be effective if I tell you)

Hanny: If I found that the dream actually brings me luck one day, I'll tell you what I dreamt about
Hanny: It's me, me

(Best Album, I...)

Representer: Best Album, I...

(Lost connection)

Hanny: Oh, come on
(LILAC stage makes me happy)

Hanny: These steps were perfect on this song

Minjae: Show us your feet

(Hop hop)
(Waiting on the stage and thinking about what to say)

Representer: What is the Main Prize for you?

BTS: Main

BTS: Main hosts are now feeling good

(Can you make an acrostic poem with "Main Prize"?)

Hanny: Oh, I can't do this

(Main: Main Prize?)

Hanny: Main Prize?

(Main prize? What truly stirs my heart is)

Hanny: What truly stirs my heart is

Prize of Beyond Imagination Award

(Prize: Prize of Beyond Imagination Award)

Hanny: What is the Beyond Imagination Award?

(Song of the Year Winner: Hanny)

Representer: Hanny, congratulations

(Dashed to make a speech. Huh? What is happening here...?)
(So nervous since all 3 are watching her)
Hanny: I didn't know 3 hosts will be here with me
MC: It could be a pressure to you

Hanny: It makes me more nervous

(GOLDEN DISC AWARDS ends successfully)

MC: Congratulations

(Where am I, Who am I?)

MC: 36th GOLDEN DISC AWARDS, it is time to bring down the curtain
Hanny: I was so surprised

Minjae: We were even more surprised since you're not coming down from the stage

Hanny: I wasn't surprised because of that, but I didn't know that 3 hosts are gonna stay next to me, so I was like, "Can I make a speech now...?"

Minjae: You won 3 awards

Hanny: I won 3 awards... This year, the trophies got definitely heavier than before, the GOLDEN DISC trophies. Really, I want to ask this to other artists. It's really heavier than before, so while I was making a speech with it. I felt that it is too hard to make a long speech. But I got 3 of them

(While I was making a speech for a minute)

Hanny: So while I was taking pictures with them I almost lost my arms. I guess that is

(One who wants to win 3 awards, bear them)

Hanny: The weight that I should bear, isn't it?

(Arms and legs are shaking)

Hanny: Ow, my legs are shaking. It's a long way to walk, to be honest

(The stage was long but I had limited time)

Hanny: But I have such a short time I had to walk as fast as I could at least so that I could say at least a word more but I was dashing to it in high heels I felt like, here was... my heart was racing

(My heart was beating so fast)

Hanny: Hah... I'm running out of breath. I didn't even know how I did those all. All the 3 hosts just came close to me suddenly I was, "Am I making a speech while they're here...?" This is so embarrassing. I almost gave up my speech for the first time

(Gives me chills just thinking of it)

Hanny: Because I was so embarrassed but thankfully, they were so considerate so I could finish my speech well. Well, there are still many things that I wanted to say, but. You know how grateful I am to all of you, right?

(Hanny got lost again?)

Minjae: You also got lost and

Hanny: Did I get lost today?

Minjae: After the speech

Hanny: After the speech? No, I didn't, I did not

(She was just standing there even after she got her trophy... Why is she standing there...? Then she disappeared to the other side of the stage)

Hanny: Please let me explain this on the Hanny TV

(A GOLDEN DISC staffs made me stand there)

Hanny: Staffs told me to stand there. After the speech, they told me to stand behind the hosts until the show ends so I was standing behind them. I thought... I might look funny on the screen so I looked around and thought, "Am I really doing right?" Also the hosts told me to stay there so, I'm pretty sure I'll look funny on the screen. I was afraid that I might look like Hanny who has regrets on the stage. I asked them whether I can leave the stage and I said yes so that's why I came down from the stage

(I swear I didn't get lost)

Hanny: I swear I didn't get lost, I was... just following the instruction. So please don't count this one. It's totally different

Hanny: I have another schedule after this so I think I should go now. Gotta go, okay, I'm coming. I'll take my clothes on. Bye! Bye


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