"But you guys been dealing with each other for almost four months but I also get what you're saying. You don't want to push to much on her."

"Yes plus I want to meet her daughter before I let her meet anybody that's part of my family. I don't want baby girl to think I'm taking her mommy away even though Morgan assures me that I'm not and that they hang out whenever me and her don't and do things before she goes to practice."

"Ouuu step mommy looks good on you."

I rolled my eyes playfully at her comment

"Don't start."

We talked for a little more before let each other go.

I decided to call my mom.

"Well look who called." She said once she answered

"Oh don't start."

She chuckled "How was your weekend with your friend."

"It was nice, she's really sweet."

"She? I didn't know you go that way."

"Well I didn't know either."

"How is she treating you?"

"Let's just say she treats me well enough to make me her girlfriend."

Soon as I said that she squealed over the phone like a little girl.

"Sorry, you know how happy I get when I hear you're happy."

"Thanks mom."

"But I'm happy you called because I wanted to see if you were coming down for thanksgiving."

"I am."

"Will you be bringing your girlfriend?"

"I'm not sure."

"Well I would love to meet her."

"I'm sure you will but I'll ask her about it and id she agrees then you will be meeting her."

"What's her name?"

I shook my head at her nosey-ness "Her name is Morgan."

"What does she do?"

"Mom." I said sternly

"I just want to know something about the girl instead of looking like a deer in headlights when we meet."

I chuckled "She has a daughter and she plays professionally basketball."

"Okay let me write this down so I can be prepared for a good conversation. First impressions are everything for me."

"Okay." I checked the clocked realizing that I would be leaving soon

"Well I'm about to head home. I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Okay love you sweetie."

"Love you too." I replied before hanging up

I exited out of my emails on the computer and logged out. Standing up, I grabbed my purse and bags before leaving out my office.

Walking down the hall I stepped in Kelsey's office.

"You're still here?"

"Girl you know I like to stay behind just to get extra stuff done."

"If you don't go get a drink or got to the club. Go do something girl, always working."

She laughed "I will."

"See you tomorrow."

"See you, drive safe."

I nodded before getting on the elevator and outside to my car.

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