Chapter 16-I'm Trying

Start from the beginning

"Thats none of your business Weasley," She said in return.

"Really? Thats none of my business? You're my girlfriend Malfoy or have you forgot? Thats what is supposed to happen in relationships! You trust me and I trust you!"

"Maybe in your perfect idea of a relationship, but in reality its not all gumdrops and rainbows Fred," Abby said standing up.

"You don't think I know that, that's why I've been trying to communicate with you but it seems as though you don't want to! Bloody hell Abby you really think that I'm that dimwitted?" I stood up too shouting at her as well.

"Maybe you are dimwitted! Because i just need my space! And every single day your asking me 'oh are you okay love' and 'whats the matter darling', do you think i'm so sensitive that I need to tell you everything? I have things to deal with Fred!"

"I know that! You don't think I don't have things to deal with either?"

"Thats not what I'm saying! I'm just saying-" She cut off looking exhausted.

"Saying what?"

"Maybe we should take a break," She said looking me straight in my eyes, her eyes were glistening one of the rare times I've seen her break her calm and level headed demeanor.

"You want to take a break..."

"No, I don't want to but I think we need to," Abby said slowly and quietly.

"We need to? Abby...don't do this, please lets talk it out, please," I pleaded with her going to hold her hands.

"Maybe this was a bad idea in the first place, I mean bloody hell Fred did you really think that it was going to work out the way we wanted it to?"

"Its not working because you're not opening up to me!" I protested.

"Its better that way, I don't need you running away knowing exactly what goes on in my life or in my mind," she said sadly.

"Fine..." I said backing away from her.

"Lets take a break, your terms, and when your ready come talk to me," I say pointing at her feeling exhausted.

I left her alone on the dock not staying long enough to hear her commentary, I left to go to the common room to talk to George about it.

I arrived eventually in the common room George and Lee Jordan playing gobstones by the fireplace.

"Hey there Freddie-oh no...what happened?" George stood up and walked over to me.

"She broke up with me," I say tiredly.

"Malfoy?" He exclaimed.

I nodded: "Yeah..."

"Oh, I'm sorry Freddie," George said to me.

"Its okay, you didn't like her anyways," I shrugged.

"But you two were happy so I didn't care about what I thought of her," he told me as he walked beside me to our dorm.

"Yeah well, it seems as though she has more important things to deal with in her life at the moment instead of me," I sat on my bed. "She said that she didn't want to take a break but that we needed to take one."

"Well, you two will reflect I suppose, maybe you'll finally get over your crush on her," He said, when I glared at him he realized that he knew he shouldn't have said that.

"It wasn't a crush George, it's something more than that, I don't know what the bloody hell to call it and I don't want to get over this crush on her!" I shouted at him standing up. "You don't understand because you don't want to George! You don't like her so you don't understand how I'm feeling! I love her George!"

George went silent staring at me with a shocked look on his face, I rarely ever yelled at my brother and when I did I felt horrible about it, like I could feel his pain as well.

"You love her Fred? Don't kid yourself you only just started dating her a month ago, she didn't even like you until she came back from the French school, don't act like you love her because you don't, you clearly don't understand the meaning of love," George said deadpanning to me.

"Just because you've never been in love before George, does not mean I don't know what I'm talking about," I responded. "I never stop thinking about her, regardless of anything she does to me, I just want to be there for her but she wont let me..."

I sat back down frustrated and upset as I buried my head in my hands.

"But, that doesn't give you the bloody right to take it out on me Freddie, its not fair," He said.

"You're right Georgie...I'm sorry," I admitted sighing. "I'm just so-"

"Confused?" He supplied.

"I guess, yeah..."

"We'll get through this Freddie, you'll find someone better," George tells me standing up clapping me on the back as he left the room.

"I don't know if I can..." I murmured to myself as I laid in my bed staring up at the ceiling.

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