No Turning Back Now

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I stood, frozen in shock, staring at Socks chained to the wall. Vizor turned to me.

"Well?" Vizor said, "Are you helping me or not?"

"I- I-" I stuttered. Vizor sighed.

"Right. You must have forgotten the godforsaken plan again," he said, "Kill them!"

I turned to Nadwe, Meme, and Blaza, bound in the vine-like tentacles that reached out of the ground. All of them were scared. Somewhere, deep in my mind, there was comfort in that. The part that still lies with my father.

But I shoved that aside. I was not going to become like Vizor.

Not by choice. Not by force.

Vizor walked up to me and handed me a knife. I held it in my hand. It was just the right weight, and fit my hand quite nicely. I looked up at Vizor, who was smiling at me knowingly. I looked over to Nadwe and the others. Nadwe was looking up at me, scared and on the verge of tears. Meme and Blaza glanced at each other worryingly, then looked at me. I turned to Socks, chained still to the pillar. He looked back at me, sadness, fear, and hurt in his eyes.

In my mind, I actually imagined a future where I stayed loyal to my father. I saw myself killing the others, and watching happily as Vizor murdered Socks in his helpless state. We found a way to end human life as we know it. And we returned to Xero, the home I had never known.

But then, I remembered all the happy times I had with the humans. I saw Meme, showing me some tech in MedBay. I saw Dino and Ally, laughing at a joke I had made. I saw Blaza, upset about Nick's death all those months ago, and comforting him in his broken state.

And finally, I saw Nadwe. My best friend. Every fun time we had when I was disguised as MuffinJuice. Even some memories I don't remember - probably something to do with being Muffin for a while. Maybe those are his memories. Among them was Muffin comforting Nadwe, who was looking at his own bloodied hands in shock and fear. When he was a vampire. When he himself thought he was a monster.

In those few seconds, I made my choice.


Vizor looked at me suspiciously. "No?"

"I am done listening to you," I said. I threw the knife down to the ground, and it dissipated before hitting the floor. Probably shadow matter. "I will not kill my friends."

"Friends?" Vizor questioned. He chuckled. "Dusk, son-"

"Don't call me son!" I snapped. Vizor, surprisingly, backed up a bit.

"You are no father of mine," I growled, "I hate you. And I will never. NEVER! Be like you!"

Vizor stared at me, shocked for a moment. I held my furious gaze. Then, Vizor laughed demonically.

"Silly child," he said. He shifted his scythe in his hand. "Wrong choice."

Suddenly, Vizor was on top of me, the scythe's blade inches from my chest. The only thing holding it back?

My own scythe.

I had never summoned my own shadow weapon before. Vizor had never taught me how. He said I'd have to "earn it through sweat and blood," as he liked to say.

I shoved Vizor off of me. He stumbled, surprised at the force. I looked at my weapon in wonder. The long handle was crimson red, and the blade, instead of deep blood red like Vizor's, was a light orange on one end, fading to black at the tip.

"I see you've managed to summon your weapon," Vizor said, "As you can see, we will always be tied. You can't escape your destiny."

I gripped the scythe in my hand. My gaze met Vizor's. "We'll see about that,"

No Turning Back (A Socksfor1 AU)Where stories live. Discover now