Chapter 2

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Sorry for the bad grammar and mistakes

"The police are still investigating the murder of Taehyung. Today his funeral will be held in his hometown. Everyone is invited to say their last goodbye to him. Until next time."

Yoongi sighed, he turned off the TV. He was sitting down on his couch wearing a black suit.

Right now he's waiting to be called out to escort Taehyung to his grave. In Daegu, the place where Taehyung grew up and the place he will be resting for the rest of his life.

Yoongi couldn't believe that Taehyung was dead. The person he looked up to so much is now dead from someone, who took his life at their hands.

Yoongi's mother came out wearing black clothes and saw her son staring at the walls. She slowly went to him and sat down on the couch with him.

"Are you ready?", Mrs.Min asked him, she also stared where Yoongi was looking.

"Mom...I... can't even imagine him in that coffin...and I'm going to escort him to his resting place...", Yoongi told her.

Mrs.Min sighed, "I know...many people can't believe he's gone. But we have to accept it. I hope the police find the person who did it."

Yoongi's walkie-talkie ringed out, "Mr.Min come now... Taehyung is here."

Yoongi responded by saying okay, he got up from the sofa. He looked at his mother who gave him an encouraging smile.

"I'll see you later son."

Yoongi nodded and left his house. As he was heading towards his position he could feel his heart thumping fast. Scared to see Taehyung passing by him...but not alive.


People were weeping and holding on to each other as they saw Taehyung's coffin go by. His casket was being held by six police officers and one of them was Yoongi. He was in the middle, seeing so many people crying their hearts out towards one person.

Taehyung's family was following behind them. Namjoon was carrying Jimin in his arms.

Kim Seokjin was trying to control his tears, his mother was holding on to him for support.

Yoongi could hear people whispering.

"Poor child, his mother is gone."

"Look how the president's condition is."

"The president is trying to hold his tears."

"He died at such a young age."

He didn't die... someone took his life. Taehyung had so much more for his future. He was beautiful, with a strong, kind heart that wanted to help his people. And whoever took his life is a bastard who has a rotten heart.

They entered a building where Taehyung's funeral will be held. The building was huge and inside was decorated with rows of white flowers. A stand was set up in the middle and they put his coffin on top of it.

Everyone was saying their goodbyes, leaving a bundle of purple flowers around his coffin. Decorating the whole room with purple flowers. It didn't feel like a funeral it was like celebrating someone's life.

People came in to give respect to the family of Taehyung mostly to Namjoon and Jimin. The media was capturing every moment of the event.

Jimin was holding his father's pants for support. The poor child didn't know why people wore all black and why his mother's picture was displayed on top of a box. Why were uncle and grandparents weeping?

Namjoon picked up his son and gave him to Taehyung's parents who knew that Namjoon would give a speech.

He stood up on the podium next to Taehyung's casket. Everyone stopped crying for a moment in anticipation of their president's speech. The news was taking pictures of Namjoon and was ready to take notes on what he would say.

"Thank you for coming to my husband's funeral who is now not with us no more. I didn't expect so many people to come and see him for the last time. He...left too soon. We didn't grow old like we thought we would. Our plans are now with that coffin. I don't know why, and who could do this to my husband. Taehyung wasn't just my husband, he was the mother of my son Jimin, he was the son of my mother-in-law, he was the brother of Seokjin, he was someone's friend, idol, or their hope. He did so many wonderful things in many people's lives. I wished he could stay longer by my side. He was everything to me. He was my life mate... Now he's watching over all of us up there. Maybe in his next life, he will live longer and not be taken. I hope I can meet him again and die along with him. Until our next life Taehyung, I will love you and I'll be waiting for you.", Namjoon ended his speech, slowly getting down from the podium and going towards his husband's coffin.

Namjoon couldn't help but let some tears fall, he leaned down kissing his husband one last time...


"Now we need to find out where Taehyung was before his murder. He was last seen alive around 8:00 p.m. and his body was found at 10:00 p.m. So the murderer had two hours to kill him. His body suffered from 19 stabs mostly toward his heart. And there was a big wound around his head.", The detective showed a picture of Taehyung's head that showed a big wound.

"And we are still waiting for the autopsy from the clothing we found. With the description of the stranger that left the scene. We need to find that guy and give Taehyung the justice he needs."

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