Chapter 1

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Sorry for the bad grammar and mistakes

"Hey I told you I could walk myself home", a girl replied to her boyfriend.

The couple was walking down an alley and soon it turned dark ending their date. The boy was taking his girlfriend back to her house.

"I don't want you to walk by yourself. It's dangerous in these types of alleys that you take sometimes.", The boy responded, making his girlfriend pout.

They were holding hands when the boy looked up from his girlfriend to see someone kicking something.

The boy couldn't see who it was because the light that was leading their way was dim.

Whoever was there looked where the couple was and ran away leaving something that made the boy curious.

"Sir!?", The boy called out but that person was gone.

"What's wrong?", The girl asked, looking in the direction where her boyfriend was looking.

"Stay here I'm going to check on something for a moment.", The boy said, patting on his girlfriend's hand.

The girl nodded, she looked around but her eyes followed what her boyfriend was doing.

The boy walked to where the person once stood and looked down to see a black bag. He heard a squish when he stepped closer. The boy bends down ripping the bag only for him to scream and fall back. Making his girlfriend run to him before she could turn to see what was in the bag. He grabbed her, making the girl fall, settling herself on his lap and facing his chest.

"Please don't look."


"So, what do you think?", A police officer asked the detective who shook his head.

"This is the most horrifying scene I've seen in my career so far."

"Sir, whoever this person is, he or she must be someone young and at least rich because their clothes are still intact.", Another police officer said.

"Who could've done this to such a person so gruesomely."

"I don't know but we have to find the identity of this person and analyze the body.", The detective instructed before they could further discuss. An investigator tapped on the shoulder of the detective whispering something that made his eyes widen in shock.

"Boys...we don't need to analyze the body anymore...this person is Kim Taehyung."

That made everyone turn pale and look at the body that you couldn't even consider it was body rather everything was smashed in pieces.


"In today's news, an unfortunate discovery from the police. They found a dead body in a valley in Seoul. The police later identify the dead body as Kim Taehyung...the precious gift of South Korea... he's now not with us anymore. May this angel rest in peace. Further details will be announced soon, we send our condolences to the president and their child.", The news reporter said on a fine morning.

"OH MY GOD!", Mrs. Min yelled, dropping a bowl of rice. Clasping her hand over her mouth letting tears fall.

Mr.Min ran out of his room to see his wife crying.

"What's wrong honey?!", He asked her.

Mr.Min went to her checking to see if she was hurt but Mrs.Min was shaking.

"T-T-Taehyung was killed...", She said through her cries.

Mr.Min couldn't believe what she said and looked at the TV to see it was true...

"EOMMA WHAT'S WRONG?!", Yoongi came out from the bathroom.

He stared at the scene that was in front of him...

"Son... Taehyung was murdered...", Mr. Min said.

Yoongi looked at the TV to see the picture of Taehyung and saw captions saying...dead body of the president's husband found in a valley.

And today was his graduation...


President Namjoon was looking through the window while playing with his wedding ring. He was lost in thought not hearing his secretary coming in.

Jennie knocked on the door several times and got no response from the president.

"Mr.President, there are reporters outside right now. What would you like us to do?", She asked.

"Mrs.Jennie, how is Jimin doing?", He asked.

Jimin is only two years old, and now that his mother is dead. How should he break the news to him?

Jennie shivered, Jimin woke up crying out of nowhere. The nanny was trying to calm him but he kept crying. Soon they took him to his parent's room and placed him on their bed. Jimin crawled where Taehyung would sleep and hugged his pillow. He finally calmed down and went to sleep.

"Right now he is in your room hugging Mr.Kim's pillow, sir", she reported to him.

Namjoon turned around facing Jennie and she was shocked at how terrible the president of Korea looked right now.

"Please tell the reporters that right now...I need some space.", He gave her a forced smile and sat down on his chair.

"Yes sir...and I'm sorry for your loss sir.", Jennie said, feeling tears building up but won't cry in front of the president.

"Thank you."

Jennie left the office as she was walking towards the entrance of the blue house. She couldn't help but cry.

Who dared to do something this terrible towards Taehyung. She can still remember two days ago when he was still here. Dancing around with Jimin in his arms while music was playing. His smile shining the whole place and their laughter filled up the whole place.

Now, everything feels empty...

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