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Wonwoo groaned in frustration as he was held hostage for the second time. He was suppose to be the best officer, but so far he feels useless. "Yah!" A voice called out making Wonwoo come out of thoughts. "What?" He asked looking back and seeing Minghao standing there.

"What did Yoon and Boo say to betray us?" Minghao asked leaning against the door frame. "Yoon was tired of the bullshit Kim was pulling and Boo hates every single one of you guys for ruining his relationship." Wonwoo told him before groaning as he felt the other throw something at his shoulder. "Whoops." He said before leaving the room and shutting the door.

Wonwoo rolled his eyes before looking around the room. "Don't even think about escaping." Another voice said. "Who said I can?" Wonwoo asked as he sat down the bed. "I don't understand what he sees in you." The person said as he walked up to Wonwoo and grabbed his face.

"Ah, you resemble a kitten so much." He smirked before feeling Wonwoo smack his hand away. "What's your name beautiful?" The male asked but Wonwoo didn't answer as he rolled his eyes. The man didn't like that so he forcefully grabbed Wonwoo's chin tightly. "Answer me." He told him before feeling someone move him out the way.

"My office isn't in here." Mingyu said in a low voice as he looked over at Wonwoo who held his chin a little. "I saw The8 leave here muttering curse words, so I had to check it out myself." The man smirked before walking out the room. Mingyu on the other hand turned around to face Wonwoo. "Are you alright?" He asked as the shorter looked at him.

When he didn't get a response, Mingyu moved Wonwoo's hand away before seeing bruises form around his chin. "I-I'm fine." Wonwoo mumbled as he moved his head a little. "I'll asked Jihoon or Chan to bring you some ointment for the bruises." The taller said before walking out of the room.

Wonwoo furrowed his eyebrows. He was confused, why was Mingyu acting more nicer than he was last time. "What the actual fuck." He muttered before getting up and looking at the mirror. He saw small bruises on jaw and wince when he touched them.

The officer sighed before going back to the bed and sitting down. "Why is he so confusing?" He asked himself before laying down and closing his eyes.

An hour had passed and Jihoon entered the room to see Wonwoo waking up from the nap he had taken. "Here." He said tossing the ointment to Wonwoo who didn't catch it in time and let it hit his head. "Thanks." He mumbled sitting up and grabbing the small ointment.

The smaller had looked at Wonwoo and sighed, "I hope you know why he does this." The taller looked up in confusion. "You'll see..." Jihoon gave a small smile before leaving the room and letting the older be alone for a bit more.

As Wonwoo looked around, he gently smiled as he saw a photo on the nightstand. "Did you put the ointment on?" A voice said from the door scaring the officer. "Umm...No." Wonwoo answered putting the picture in its place and looking to see Mingyu standing there.

"Why are you doing this?" The officer asked getting up, "Why do you have to go this far and be like this?" Mingyu sighed before walking up to Wonwoo and stood in front of him. "Because every time I went to the police station they wouldn't believe the shit I've said." He told the shorter who sighed and shook his head.

"Then, what's with the whole mafia thing?" Wonwoo asked again making the taller slightly irritated with the questions. "I couldn't handle it anymore and took everything into my own hands." Mingyu responded grabbing the ointment.

He then put some on his finger before applying it on the shorter's chin. "I know what I do is wrong, but losing you was harder and I couldn't deal with that." Wonwoo looked at Mingyu in the eyes and saw that he was telling the truth. "I asked Jun and Jisoo to join the team so that they can give me an update." Mingyu then slowly place his hand on the shorter's waist.

"The first day I took you, I-I just couldn't take it anymore." Wonwoo shook his head and shakily placed his hands on Mingyu's chest. "You scared me that day and of course this isn't a forgiveness but Gyu..." The shorter then slightly pushed the taller away. "You can't do shit like this, all you could've done is asked to meet me or be a better person." Mingyu chuckled before pulling Wonwoo closer to him.

"I'm just doing my job baby." Wonwoo shook his head again before smacking the taller. "Not what I meant stupid." Mingyu laughed a little looking at Wonwoo directly in the eyes. "What if I shut down everything?" The shorter was confused before tilting his head. "Shut down the mafia and turn myself in." Mingyu asked moving a piece of the officer's hair.

"I'll commit to my crimes and everything." He said placing his forehead on the others. "I just want to be with you." Wonwoo blushed as he heard those words. "Even if you do, you know we can't be together." Mingyu sighed as he nodded before leaning in, "May I?" He asked making Wonwoo freeze for a second.

The shorter then nodded before feeling a pair of lips on his. Mingyu had went gently with him, not rushing anything with the shorter. When they had backed away from each to catch their breaths, Mingyu smiled. "Did you like it?" He teasingly asked making Wonwoo blush furiously before nodding.

"I'll tell everyone the news." Mingyu said moving away leaving the blushing Wonwoo in the room.

Once Mingyu left the room, he immaculate called everyone into the living room. "You're what?" Jihoon asked after receiving the news. "I want to do better." Mingyu responded ignoring the glare that the shorter was giving him. "You're doing this for an officer you kidnapped twice?" Minghao asked crossing his arms around his chest.

"Hao, how many times have you been happy here?" Mingyu suddenly asked the Chinese male who just shrugged. "How many times have I ruined your life because of the shit I do?" Minghao looked at the boss and thought of it. "I've ruined your chances to do what you wanted." Mingyu told him before looking at Jisoo and Seokmin.

"I've ruined your chances to become a doctor and ruined yours to be a teacher." Jisoo nodded before laying his head on his husband's shoulder. "There's times I regretted shit, but the one thing I don't fucking regret it is taking Chan in when his family didn't want him." The youngest smiled as he heard those words.

The others all agreed as they knew how bad Chan had it when he was younger. "Tomorrow I'm shutting down everything and will turn myself in." He told them and smiled lightly. "I'll turn myself in too." Minghao joined in making Mingyu chuckle before nodding.

The others agreed to joining Mingyu before going back to what they're doing. "I'm thankful for you Wonwoo." He mumbled before hearing something break. Mingyu immediately ran up to his room and saw Wonwoo there unconscious on the floor. "Shit baby." He mumbled immediately walking to the officer on the floor.

Mingyu immediately picked him up and took him downstairs to Seokmin who noticed quickly. "What happened?" He asked immediately grabbing a medical kit that was under the coffee table. "I don't know." Mingyu responded holding the officers hand.

Seokmin immediately checked if he had a pulse and was glad he did. "He's alright." Seokmin said and placed a pillow under Wonwoo's head. "Jisoo baby, can you get a wet cold towel?" Jisoo nodded and went to go get one immediately.

As they started taking care of Wonwoo, they didn't realize what was going to happen next.


A/N: So I know I haven't updated this story since April- I apologize- But the last I updated this was when I was in exams and then in the summer I was busy with my other stories but also busy helping my mom with stuff since her health isn't okay. And then I haven't updated because school started again- I apologize again-

I'll try and update this story more but I can't make promises- Anyways hopefully I'll be able to update this story again- :3

I'll see y'all next chapter

-Author Nyu

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