Part 6: Back in The Jungle

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Brooklynn's POV

I took hold of Darius' hand as we walked to the jeep and sat in the back. Even though I was feeling awfully nervous, a part of me was excited to go back and explore, but this time in safety. Franklin started up the jeep, driving through the electric fencing and back out into the jungle. Sammy was in the front, chatting to Franklin while Darius and I were eagerly looking around, my camera in my hand, hoping to spot any dinosaurs. After years of therapy, I had mostly gotten over my fear. But from what I'd heard, Yaz hadn't exactly been able to do that, and neither had Kenji, which worried me from time to time.

In the car behind us came Zia, Ben, Yaz and Kenji. I could see them laughing and looking through the glass from the rearview mirror. I grinned, feeling my heart warming. We'd only seen each other a few times after we got home from the incident on Nublar and they had been short, brief occassions such as birthdays or family events. I was extremely glad everyone was together again, even if it was just for a week. I snapped out of my thoughts as Darius tapped my shoulder. I realised he had been speaking to me while I was zoned out and lost in my thoughts.

"You okay, B?" His voice was filled with the same concern reflected in his expression. I chuckled, feeling guilty that I'd gotten him worried. "I'm okay, just thinking about this whole thing. I missed what you were saying," I looked down, slighly embarassed. He didn't seem annoyed at all though, which I was really glad for. He was just amazing, and I honestly couldn't wait to get married. He went on to talk about how the jungle had really overgrown but he hadn't managed to spot any wildlife in the 10 minutes that we'd been driving. I had no idea why, but that scared me. I should've been relieved to avoid dinosaurs  but I just kept feeling like something was off. Darius rubbed my back, reading my thoughts immediately. "It'll be okay" he smiled, and his words made everything better.

Ben's POV

Though I was laughing with Zia, a nagging feeling in my stomach kept tugging, making me anxious. It wasn't only the fact that we hadn't seen any dinosaurs, that was disturbing as it was. The one thought swirling violently in my mind was Bumpy. It had been 10 years... who knew what could've happened to her?

I tried to distract myself by looking in the back seat to see what Kenji and Yaz were up to. I almost giggled as I saw Kenji kiss Yaz on the cheek and she immediately punched him on the shoulder for doing that without warning. It also hurt though, because I knew she hadn't fully been able to get over what happened to us. None of us had. However, even after therapy she had still been very jumpy and nervous, and the small things terrified her. I hadn't talked to either of them properly in at least 2 years but I was glad to be back with them. I decided to start up a conversation to distract me from my thoughts about Bumpy.

"Have you guys seen any dinosaurs yet?" was the first thing that came out of my mouth, and I almost facepalmed. That was an incredibly stupid question to ask. If there were any along the way, Zia and I would've seen them first. Kenji shook his head, his smile replaced with a frown. "It's strange, considering we haven't spotted anything in the past 15 minutes. Usually there'd be at least a small dinosaur, or some sort of construction. I don't remember this area of the jungle well enough though..." Kenji trailed off, his words lingering in the air. The jeep fell into silence as we drove forward.

Sammy's POV

The jeep slowed down, and we stepped out into the fresh air. Immediately, the worry on my mind dispersed, and I could breathe properly. I stretched my arms and looked up, gazing at the tall trees and the small patches of sky, barely visible between the clusters of dark leaves. The other jeep pulled up besides us, and everyone got out. I noticed that Zia was on the phone, and by the way her arms were waving around in the air, I realised she was arguing with someone. Immediately after she hung up, Zia came over to Franklin, pulled him aside and began talking to him in a hushed tone. I tried to convince myself that it was only because we hadn't managed to finish filming the interview his morning, but Franklin's hands shaking proved me wrong. After they finished talking, Zia turned and walked towards us.

"We've been driving on a safe route through the jungle. The reason for why there weren't any dinosaurs is because there are gates on the other sides of those trees. On this side, we are completely safe." She explained, clearly wanting to say more but stopping herself. That's a relief, I thought. But then why did they look so worried? I felt my breath hitching and immediately clenched my fists, waiting for the worry to pass. Zia motioned for Franklin to come over, and he complied. He rubbed his arms, almost bouncing from one foot to the other.

"Robertwantsustogothroughthefenceforaproperexperience!" Franklin spoke so fast that his words jumbled up and made no sense. I was about to ask him to repeat his sentence but Zia just shook her head and decided to tell us herself. "Robert, the manager of our news channel, has gotten a permit for us to go through those gates and into the proper forest. He thinks it'll be better for us to have a proper experience." She spoke with nervousness, waiting for our reactions. There was dead silence for a few seconds, before she got a reaction.



Okay soooo hello haha

I decided to base this chapter on the P.O.Vs of characters that I haven't done much of, just to give a bit of a filler into their thoughts. It'll go back to Yaz and Kenji from next chapter. But yes...

Finally they've gotten out of the lodging and back into the jungle because obviously, what's a good Camp Cretaceous fanfic without dino interactions?

I hope this chapter wasn't too boring, and hopefully you haven't lost interest in this smol book because of all the late updates haha, which I'm extremely sorry about. I hope you enjoyed this filler chapter, and I'll try to make things more exciting :)

Thank you for sticking with me <3

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