If roles were reversed..

Start from the beginning

"Don't stick you're tongue at me!"

Rain mocked Yakko in a annoying way, causing yakko to growl.

"Thats it! Go to your room!" He yelled.

Rain threw her doll at the ground and run her way back to her room.

Which P.S, isn't even her own room. Its a room that she share with her siblings!

Once Rain was in her room she slammed the door and climb back in her crib.

Her chickens watch as the baby scream into her pillow,

"Whats the matter Rain?" One of the chickens asked,

"My bwother gwound me because i wanted to pway with hwim!" Rain cried.

She sat up and threw her pillow at the wall,



Suddenly, somebody breaks in the bedroom window.

Rain heard the glass shattered all around her and turned around.

When she turned around she was met with a lady that had long black hair, with melanated skin, and had on an angel costume.

Rain watched as the lady got up and dust herself off,

"Phew.." the lady sighed.

The lady looked at Rain and smiled,

"You must be the girl that called for me!" She said.

Rain looked confused for a moment,

"I dwidnt cwall for you?.."

The lady laughed, "Yes you did silly! My name is Ms Wish and I grant people wishes!"

Ms Wish walked over to Rain and pick her up,

"Awww, you're just so cute!" Ms Wish cooed.

Rain tried to break out of the ladys grasped,


Ms Wish covered up Rains mouth with her hand.

"Shhh! Nobody can know im here!"

Ms Wish slowly put Rain on the floor and smiled,

"Soooo...What was your wish again?" Ms Wish asked.

Rain looked at the ground and sighed, "I want to bwecome owder!" She looked up at Ms Wish.

"Im twired of bweing the brwuno of twis family!"

Ms Wish put her wand on Rains lips then whispered,

"We don't talk about Bruno!~"

Rain nodded.

Ms Wish chuckled,

"So you want to become older huh? Do you know how risky this wish is young lady?"

Rain rolled her eyes,

"I dwont care!" She yelled.

Rain thought about something for a sec,

"And mwake swure to turn my sibs into bwabys! I want thwem to see what its like bweing my age!" Rain said.

Ms Wish nodded,

"You're wish is now granted!"

Ms Wish waved her wand around, making little sparkles come out of it.

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