Just me

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"Will it hurt?" I toyed with the fob watch as the doctor was routing through her clutter for something. Apparently she had a safer way of doing this, so it wouldn't be as overwhelming.
"It won't be comfortable." Letting out a breath, I handed her the watch nervously. The doctor placed a small device on my head and attached the watch.
"I'll have to step out the room. But it will be no longer than ten seconds." Pressing my lips together I just nod and closed my eyes. A click was heard and I knew she'd left. I was counting in my head to distract myself but was cut off at thirty-six by a flood of images. Memories. Then, my eyes snapped open. Quickly, I pulled the device off and placed it next to me. Hearts beating rapidly, I pressed my hands to my front to try to calm it. Of course, it didn't work. Getting used to two hearts was quite something.
"You feeling okay?" The doctor cleared things away and took her seat. Even though I didn't express it, I was overjoyed that she was back. I needed her.
"Feels like I'm drowning." I rubbed my head, wincing at the feeling. She was quick to place her hand on my hair and massage the scalp.
"What do you remember?"
"Well, my name is Marie. And my parents, they don't seem to br the nicest from what I saw." Scotting closer, the doctor nod, as if to say 'go on'.
"They locked me up. They tortured me i- it's hard to see." Struggling to get the words out, she just hugged me tightly. Though, I was grateful and returned the gesture.
"Dont push yourself okay?" At this point, I didn't care for my pride and just buried my face into her chest.

Again, she was making me rest. According to the doctor, my brain was to precious to rush into anything. It was a cute gesture. Currently, I was sat on the stairs in the console room, watching her run around and tinker with the machine. Everything she did made these feelings grow tenfold. Being self aware, I knew it was completely hopeless. She was oblivious to all things romantic and sexual. Considering how many times she touched my chest to check on my hearts, maybe she was really clueless with that. As she was talking, I pulled my long, blonde hair forward and played with it, getting easily distracted.
"Marie?" Humminh, I looked up and watched as the doctor bent down to my level. Seeing as we were staying on the tardis, she had left her coat off and white sleeves rolled up. Her hands looked really pretty, that was something I had noticed recently. How smooth and attractive they were. Beginning to think I was loosing it, I was snapped back to reality when her attention changed to my skirt.
"Its going to get creased." The doctor lectured playfully. Fingers brushed my thigh as she straightened the black material out again. We were so close and I'm sure my face was burning. Finishing, she made eye contact with me and smiled. I was frozen completely, lost in her gaze. Slowly, her focus changed from my eyes and down to my lips? Possibly? Maybe I was just wishing too hard. Still, it felt as though she was itching closer. Without realising, my eyes flicked between hers and now her lips that were slightly glossed from the lip balm she'd been stealing from me. Just as she was about to speak  the tardis doors burst open, causing us to jump and fall onto the floor.
"Bad time?" The masters voice met our ears and the woman beside me groaned.
"I parked on the most random place. How did you find us?" Getting up, the doctor glared at him whilst helping me to my feet. I was quick to brush my clothes straight and make me look collected.
"I was just passing through, wondering how our new foundling was doing?" He looked at me with a smug grin buy I didn't mind. Honestly, it just felt nice to be thought about, even if it was with strange intentions.
"Making progress. I have some memories." Nodding, he strolled over and used my shoulder as an arm rest.
"Look-y here doctor. Got yourself a baby time lord." Completely offended, I shrugged him off and crossed my arms.
"I am not a baby!" All he did was chuckle and stare down at me, cocky as ever.
"How old are you then?"
"Four hundred and three."
"Exactly. A baby." I huffed in annoyance and looked at him with a tired expression. The master just laughed like a giddy child.
"You're just so fun to mess with. Better than any of her other companions." Oddly, I was bashful to his unusual compliment. Turning my head, I saw the doctor glaring daggers into the other alien. In fact, she looked quite scary. Stepping forward, she backed him up towards the doors.
"Out. Now. Or I'll make you leave." Tone icy, the master scoffed a laugh. Putting his hands up in defeat, he opened the door and looked over her shoulder towards me.
"See you later, pet." Then, he left. The doctor slammed the doors and banged her fist to them, clearly frustrated.
"Doctor? What's wrong?" Worried, I was about to go over when she turned around. Our eyes met and it was like something snapped. Before I could process what was happening, the doctor had my back pressed to the console, her arms on either side of me. Our faces were centimetres apart and I knew I was a blushing mess.
"He was too close to you. Too friendly. He made you blush. He touched you." Unclear on what she was implying, my hands were in an awkward angle against my chest.
"I dont underst-"
"Only I should be making you blush. Only i should be touching you. No one else. Just me." Eyes wide, the words sunk in and I began to smile. Was she saying exactly what it sounded like? Her words were so possessive and I could definitely get used to it.
"I wouldn't mind that." As soon ad the words left me, she crashed her lips into mine. Hands finally settling on her shoulders, I kissed back eagerly. The doctor held onto my waist and lifted me so I was sat on the console. Pulling back to breath, she chuckled happily.
"I'm going to have to teach you how to use your  respiratory bypass." Decinding I would ask about that later, I cupped her cheeks and pulled her back down into another kiss. Much more gentle than the first, we melted into it and moulded together perfectly.

It took a while but eventually the doctor broke down the respiratory bypass to me. It was actually very simple, probably because I was born with it. Having most of your bodily functions dormant for so many years, it was a struggle to get them functioning. I sat on the bed and hugged my knees close to my chest, thinking over what just happened. Anyone watching could tell I was love struck, a stupid grin on my face. Although, I didn't want to get my hopes up too much. What if it was just out of anger? Or in the heat of the moment?
"You alright? You look conflicted, love." The doctor came in and put some books away on her shelf.
"What am I to you?" She froze, pushing thr book in its place then making her way over to me. Lifting my chin up, she kissed me softly before looking at me with sincerity.
"You're the person I want to be with." Relaxing, I threw myself into her arms and nuzzled her neck affectionately. The doctor just chuckled and laid down with me in her hold.

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