Sleep well, darling.

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"Ready?" The doctor asked, smiling at me as she went over to the doors. Following behind I didnt know how to respond.
"I'm nervous. I've never been on an alien planet before obviously." That was the truth, so why did it feel like I was lying? She gently took a hold of my hand.
"Better?" Somehow it was, I instantly felt safer. Nodding at her, she grinned before opening the doors. It took a lot not to laugh seeing as we seemed to be in some kind of storage cupboard.
"Dont worry Marie. I'm just sneaking us in." Stopping her before she could even move, I asked-
"Sneaking us in? How will that work?" to which she smirked and pulled out a leather card holder with a piece of paper inside.
"Blank paper?" Shocked, she looked at it a few times then back to me.
"Well no. Its psychic. Allows the reader to see whatever I want. Except you apparently." I laughed a little then shrugged at her. Soon after, she pulled me out the cupboard and down the grande hallway. If I were guessing, I'd say were in some luxury hotel. It was so quiet apart from the echos of our shoes. Coming to large golden double doors, the doctor knocked loudly to make our presence known. Only a few seconds later, the doors opened to reveal the most royal place I have ever seen. Showing the guards, who were blue by the way, her psychic paper, they let us through still hand in hand. The walls were made from marble with golden features and a diamond chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Suddenly hearing the doctor gasp, she pulled me over to a bar. Behind the counter was a creature with red scaly skin and five eyes. To lost in looking at this new person, I didn't even notice her ordering drinks.
"Here." Snapping out of it, I looked at the drink in her hand and pulled a face. It was a neon green liquid.
"Hey don't look like that! It's not battery acid I promise." Laughing, I took the drink and had a sip. Surprisingly it was really good. The doctor looked around for a second before wrapping an arm around my shoulder.
"You're gonna love this." She beamed leading me over to the other side of the room. Instantly I saw what she meant. In front of me was a wall if glass allowing us too see through to outside. The sky was a beautiful amethyst sky with silver starts and a light moon that was starting to rise. Grass on the ground was violet and even the plants were plum in colour. It was stunning. Better than earth.
"Impressed ?" The doctor mused, staring outside along side me, her arm still hung over my shoulder.
"You have no idea. This is amazing thank you." Without thinking, I turned and hugged her tightly. Chuckling, she hugged back as music began to play softly. Sounding soft and elegant,  she pulled back slightly looking unsure.
"I know we're here because of a distress signal but nothing bad is happening so, wanna dance?" Giggling a little, I took her hands and walked backwards until my feet hit the wooden dance floor. Not sure of what to do, I let the doctor take the lead. Placing her hands on my waist, instinct took over and I wrapped my arms round her neck. Slowly, we moved in time to the music, blocking out the world around us. Relaxing, I rested my head on her shoulder  allowing my eyes to close as I took everything in. Of course by doing this, I missed her blushing and the giant grin I caused accidentally. All of this was insane, another world, a whole other universe and she brought me here. Just a stupid little human, that's all I was so why? A scream ripped through the air all of a sudden causing us to jump apart.
"Now this is where the fun begins." The doctor leered, grasping my hand and running to the direction it came from. Chaos had erupted and we tried our best to make it through the crowd but there was too many people. Someone cut between us and we were instantly separated. Spotting me alone, a guard ushered me into a nearby room and the last thing I remember is a sharp pain in my head.

My eyes opened slowly, looking around the dark room.
"You're awake human." A creature stepped into the light and glared at me. Shocked, I just stared, not knowing what else to do.
"Your readings are strange. You only have one heart yet two separate pulses are detected." It spoke in a hissing tone, clearly intrigued where as I was just confused.
"I dont understand?" It just scoffed, stomping over and loading up its gun.
"What are you? You have one chance to answer before I pull the trigger." Instantly, my breathing picked up and panic set in. I was going to die. Where was the doctor?
"I'm human! I come from earth!" Just as I finished my sentence, it pulled the trigger. Electric pain darted around my body and I slumped down completely drained of energy. Chuckling, it kicked my ribs harshly and bent down.
"My kind don't tolerate liars." Whilst it was distracted by laughing, my hands began to feel fuzzy. Almost as if they were burning. Flicking my eyes down, I immediately saw how they appeared to be glowing. Suddenly feeling some life coming back, I sat up slowly. The light became more intense causing the creature to gasp and stand up.
"Impossible!" It bellowed, running for the door but somehow it was jammed. Not knowing what was happening, I let the feeling take over. It hurt, a lot but at the same time, I felt alive. Then, I blacked out.

My eyes opened groggy, head poundin. Getting myself up, I held onto the wall for support and glanced around. That creature seemed to be dead, either that or it slept very still. Reaching up, I brushed my hair back only to find it was longer now. It flowed down my back and landed at my waist. How was that possible? Seeing a cracked mirror on the other side of the room, I grabbed a shard and took a look at myself. At first glance, nothing seemed different but I definitely was. Somehow I looked more mature, my features slightly defined. My whole body felt as though I'd been run over by a truck. Sudden banging on the door caused me to let out a shriek.
"Marie?" The doctors voice called out from the other side before I heard the sound of her sonic device. In an instant, she wad by my side and checking me over for injury.
"Are you Okay?" Not knowing what to say, I just stood there frozen. She took notice of all the changes and seemed just as confused as I was.
"We need to leave okay?" Nodding, I allowed her to take hold of my hand and drag me out of there. Quickly, the doctor took us back to the tardis and took off. As she was running around and flicking controls, I looked down to my hands and paled. A golden glow surrounded then for a second before fading.
"Everything okay?" Snapping my head up, the doctor looked at me worried. Lip wobbling, I hugged myself tightly.
"I dont feel good." Face softening, she took my hand again and set the tardis on auto pilot. Gently, she pulled me down some hallway into her room. She tossed her blazer aside then sat me on her bed. I slipped my heels up and rubbed at my face harshly.
"What happened darling?" Taking a seat beside me, the doctor stroked my cheek so softly I almost fell asleep right there.
"I dont remember. He was threatening me, he said my readings were wrong then- oh. Oh god. He shot me." Pressing my hands to my chest, panic set in and I felt around for any wounds but none could be found. My breathing was heavy, nothing was making sense and it hurt so much. Feeling hands landing on my shoulders, I looked up to meet the doctors eyes. She gave me a reassuring smile.
"Relax. We'll figure it out okay? What's important is that you're alive." Taking in her words, I nod and tried to relax myself.
"You need to sleep. I'll get you some pyjamas okay?" I watched as she searched around, pulling out drawers until she found some and handed them to me. Weakly, I took them and tried to reach for the zip on my dress.
"Let me help you darling." Reaching behind I felt her fingers brush against my back as she pulled the zip down with ease. My whole face lit up, we were so close that her breath was cool against my skin.
"I'll leave you to get changed." Just as she got up to leave, I grabbed her wrist with all the strength I could muster.
"Stay with me. Please? I don't want to be alone." Her eyes softened again and she nod at me before turning away so I could change. Once I was done, I sank into the mattress and breathed out in relief.
"Comfy?" Thr doctor asked, slipping into the covers beside me. All i did was hum in response, moving closer subtly. Maybe because I felt safer with her? Telling myself that was the reason and nothing else, I allowed my eyes to close. A soft chuckle echoed through the room before I felt myself get pulled closer the the blonde woman. My head rested on her chest, both her arms round my form securely.
"Sleep well darling."

Home Again (13th Doctor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now