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Waking up, I looked up to see that my face was previously buried into the other girls neck. Shyly, I let myself observe all of her features. She was truly gorgeous, I felt inferior next to her. For some reason, the amazing lady had taken me in and saved me. All I was, was a stupid little human who was abandoned by her parents as a child. No one ever wanted me, so why did she try to help. My thoughts were cut off by a sharp pain on the right side of my chest. Crying out, I lurched forward as my whole body shook. It was so intense, like someone was dragging a knife through my front slowly and it felt excruciating. I couldn't stop the sobbs that fell through my lips.
"Hey, shh~" hands gently held my waist and pulled me back. My back pressed against the doctors chest securely as her arms wrapped around my middle. Tears ran down my cheeks and onto the sheets below. Pain flared up again, causing me to shudder violently. Suddenly, her lips pressed to my temple and my whole body went limp in her hold. The pain numbed greatly, only a dull thumping could be felt now.
"There we go darling, can you tell me what just happened?" She asked, voice laced with clear worry which just made me feel guilty.
"I was just thinking and my chest started hurting. Felt like I was being stabbed." I spoke quietly, blinking back tears yet again.
"Where?" Weakly, I pointed to where it was felt. Slowly, the doctor raised her hand and placed it on my chest. With care, she pressed down gently.
"Does that cause discomfort?" Shaking my head, she felt around a little more before pausing her movements.
"That's odd, Any heart problems?" Confused, I let my head fall back onto her shoulder. Although I was blushing from her hand placement, I could tell she thought something was off.
"My hearts on the left side of my body doctor." Realisation sunk in on her face before she quickly grabbed her stethoscope from the bedside drawer. Putting it on, she turned me slowly so I was facing her. Placing the cool metal pressed onto the outside of my shirt, first on the left then on the right. The doctor looked shocked, maybe even amazed.
"What is it?" Hearing how nervous I was, she was quick to discard of her equipment then pull me forward. My face was resting against her shoulder.
"Its nothing to worry about okay? Get showered and dressed. I'll explain soon." Nodding, I got up carefully and went into the bathroom that was close by.

Once I was out, I wandered around the massive ship on my hunt for the doctor. A door appeared beside me so I stepped through. It was the library. Grinning, I went up a flight of stairs and over to where I remember the desk being. Luckily, the doctor was sat there, heel resting on the chair with her arm draped over her knee. For a moment, I stared at her figure. How is it possible to develop a crush on someone with a few weeks.
"You're staring." Blushing, I walked over to the blonde woman and pulled a chair up beside her. She shut her book and gave me a smile, hair falling infront of her face. On instinct, I reached up and tucked it away behind her ear. We stared at each other for a second, her hazel eyes of a thousand colours mesmerised me.
"What's wrong with me?" Snapping her out of her trance, the doctor cleared her throat.
"So. Its nothing to be frightened of." Nodding, I blushed as she took ahold of my hand and guided it up to her chest. Laying it flat against the left side, before moving it to the right. My eyes went wide, letting go of my hand, I checked both sides a few more times.
"You have two hearts?" She nod at me before wetting her lips nervously.
"Yes, I'm a time lord. Or, lady now I suppose. All of my kind have two hearts. Saying that, only me and an old frenimie are left." She explained sadly, linking her fingers with mine once again. Looking down at our hands, I felt content and safe.
"What happened?" Taking a deep breath, the doctor hummed before speaking.
"There was a war. It destroyed everything. I destroyed everything." Her grip tightened on me but I didn't mind. In fact, it just prompted me to pull her forward into a hug. Immediately, she relaxed into my hold and wrapped her arms round my waist. Drawing me in closer, I may as well of been sat on her lap at this point.
"Why aren't you scared? I just admitted to genocide." She sounded to fragile and it made my entire chest ache. Running my fingers through her hair, I kissed the top of her head softly.
"You saved my life. You took me in when I had nothing. Whatever you have done in the past doesn't define you." Detatching herself from me, the doctor couldn't surpress her smile which intern, made me beam.
"I'm glad I found you Marie." My name sounded so smooth coming from her and for once, I liked hearing it. Getting a little shy, I gazed down at my lap and rested my hand a-top my chest. Two beats. There was two beats, rhythmic and calm but definitely there. Thinking I was going mad, I checked the pulse points on my wrist and neck. A repeating tune of four carried on no matter where I felt. Just like hers. Looking at the doctor, she held a worried expression.
"I dont understand." Cupping my cheeks, she thumbed one side gently which greatly eased me.
"I dont either right now. But we'll figure it out together." Leaning into her touch, my face lit up when I felt her lips against my cheek.
"You need food darling. You're too thin." Grumbling, I let her take me into the ships kitchen.

Legs dangling over the edge of the tardis, my head rested against the blue door as I stared out at the constellations. They were amazing, I don't think I could ever get tired of it. Doesn't seem like the doctor has either. Speaking of her, I was nervous about the tests she would have to do. Even though I was certain she'd never hurt me, my heart- hearts- were pounding. Hearing footsteps, I wasn't surprised when the doctors hand landed on my shoulder.
"Ready?" Giving no response, she took a seat next to me and observed my face from the side. Lacing our fingers together, I gazed at her nervously.
"Dont be anxious love. Nothing will hurt and I'll be there every step of the way." Nodding, I stood with her and got escorted down to the med bay. It smelled like a hospital, clean and sterile. Popping myself up onto the bed, I watched as she got a few things out before walking over with a spray.
"It will numb your skin." She informed the sprayed the crease of my elbows. Getting to work, the doctor took some blood and ran other tests that I didn't fully understand but she was correct, nothing hurt at all.
"There we go. All done. Now we wait." I took a shakey breath and began to pull at my fingers. It was short lived as the doctor rushed to pull them apart and give me a stern look.
"No hurting yourself." Swallowing thickly, I broke eye contact, scared she'd find out if I kept it up. Though, I was relaxed and she took my right hand and pressed a kiss to it softly.
"Your skin is precious. Okay?" How did she make me cry so easily? A beeping made me jump, it coming from a machine across the room. The doctor clicked on a few things before staring at the readings. She was still, going over the results repeatedly.
"What does it say? Is it just a heart disease that never got picked up because I never saw a doctor before?" Standing straight, she walked back over to me.
"Well you don't need to worry about that because you'll always be with me now." Our eyes met and she gave me a reassuring smile.
"The readings show your planet of origin to be, gallifrey. Meaning, you're like me." It sunk in slowly, realising I'd never been human at all.
"Is that why my hands were glowing when I got shot?" Shocked, she held onto them both and sighed.
"Yes. When time Lords die,they regenerate. Every cell in their body changes. Though, usually, they change what they look like but I'm guessing you aren't ready for that yet." Tilting my head slightly, I tightened the grip on her hands.
"I dont like how I look. I hate it. But I don't want it to change at all." The way she looked at me almost made me shiver. Hazel eyes bored into me with an icy haze. It was intense. Surprisingly, she stepped forward and pulled me into a hug. Body relaxing, I pressed my nose to her neck and hugged back. Her hand ran up and down my back.
"I'll change how you see yourself." Even though she spoke quietly, I heard her clearly and I couldn't bring myself to believe her.

Home Again (13th Doctor x OC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat