Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

'Jeez.' Megan sighs as she folds the letter and slides it into her pocket. The two sit in silence for a couple of minutes.

'You okay?' Avery asks, breaking the silence.

'Yeah, this is just a lot to take in.' Megan answers truthfully. She stands up and grabs her bag. 'I have to go. I'll see you later.' She starts to leave. Avery stands up and followers her.

'Megan! Wait!' Avery calls after her but it's no use, she's already gone. Avery sighs, walks out of the station and leans against the wall. T.K., who had heard the commotion, walks out to her.

'What was that about?' He asks her. She turns to face him.

'I don't think it's my place to say.' Avery replies quietly but she sees the look T.K. is giving her and sighs. They both stand with their backs against the wall. 'She found out that her birth dad isn't her real dad. Someone her mom dated in L.A. is, well, might be.' Avery explains. T.K. is just as shocked as Avery was.

'I thought she hasn't seen her mom in years?' T.K. asks.

'She hasn't.' Avery shakes her head. 'I think that's why she took off. She needs some time alone.'

Later that afternoon, Avery was in her reading room, in her swing chair, reading whilst talking to Megan on the phone. T.K. and Carlos were around for dinner so they were downstairs with Owen, preparing food. The two teens had been talking for a while about how Megan was feeling.

'I just don't know, Ave. I just need to see if there is even a possibility of this being true. If it is, then so much could change. This guy might not want to know me but he may want to know me and I need to find out.' Megan told Avery. Avery can hear Megan moving around. She puts her books down and sits upright.

'Wait, so you're going to L.A.?' She catches on.

'Yeah, I have some money saved up. I've just booked the ticket. My plane leaves in two hours. I managed to snag the last seat.' Megan replies.

'Are you sure this is a good idea?' Avery asks. 'I mean, you don't know L.A. that well and this guy could be a serial killer or something.' Megan laughs.

'I'll be fine. I found the hospital he works at. I'm going there so I think I'll be safe.'

'Wait-' Avery starts but Megan cuts her off.

'Bye.' Megan states before hanging up.

'Crap.' Avery mutters as she quickly stands up and runs downstairs.

'Woah, where's the fire?' Owen jokes as she runs into the kitchen.

'Who died in the book?' T.K. asks, not looking up from his phone.

'Megan is about to get on a plane to L.A. to find her dad.' Avery blurts, taking Carlos, T.K. and Owen by surprise.

'What?' T.K. snaps his head up from his phone.

'We have to do something.' Avery adds. 'She shouldn't be doing this alone.'

'What are you thinking?' Owen asks, sensing his daughter has an idea.

'Megan said she got the last seat but flights to L.A. are pretty regular. I bet I can get a seat on the next flight. I know L.A. like the back of my hand. Megan doesn't. Another reason I should go.' Avery says.

'Are you sure you want to do this?' Owen asks his daughter.

'It's Megan, dad. She'd do the same for me.' Avery says simply.

'Okay, let's see if we can get you on a flight.' Owen takes his phone out and starts to look for flights. When he finds one, he shows his phone to Avery. 'I booked you an open return.' Avery looks at the time of the flight.

'That's good. I'll only be about an hour or so behind her.' Avery nods.

'Go pack a bag. I'll sort everything else out.' Owen tells her. 'I know you don't like me saying this but please, try and eat properly.'

'Don't worry. I think Megan will be on my back about that.' Avery laughs slightly. 'Thank you.' Avery hugs him before rushing upstairs to pack her bag.

'Don't forget your meds!' T.K. shouts up the stairs.

'Gottem.' Avery shouts back since they were the first thing she packed.


It's the evening, Avery has arrived in L.A. Megan had told her what hotel she was staying in so she made her way there and was able to get into Megan's hotel room by lying to the desk clerk saying they were sisters and showing them a picture of the two of them. She is sitting in one of the chairs when she hears Megan mumbling outside. Megan opens the door with her eyes fixated on her phone. Not looking up, she drops her bag and jacket on the table and shuts the door. She turns around but before she can fully turn around, Avery speaks up.

'Surprise bitch.' She grins, making Megan jump and she fully faces Avery.

'Jesus fucking christ Avery! What the hell are you doing here?!' Megan exclaims, her hand on her chest.

'Firstly, I am not going to apologise for scaring you. We both know that's what I do best.' Avery starts. 'Secondly, we didn't want you to be alone. Dad put me on the flight after yours.' Avery explains.

'How did you even get in here?' Megan asks, raising an eyebrow.

'I told the dude at the front desk we were sisters and showed him a picture of us together. He believed me and let me in.' Megan sits down on the bed. 'So, how'd it go?' Avery asks.

'Good, I guess. He was shocked. Obviously.' Megan replies. 'But here's the thing. My mom told him she had an abortion right after she told him she was pregnant. He never got a chance to tell her his feelings towards it all.' Megan tells her.


'Yeah.' Megan nods slightly. 'I mean, it does sound like something my mom would do.' She shrugs her shoulders. 'Anyways, I agreed to meet him at the hospital in a couple of hours when his shift finishes.'

'Do you want me to come?' Avery offers. 'You know, just to make sure he's not a serial killer or something?' Avery teases in an attempt to lighten the mood.

'He's a doctor so I think I'm safe.' Megan laughs. She then sees the looks that Avery is giving her. 'Fine.' Megan gives in. 'But only to meet him.'

'Cool.' Avery grins. 'I'll either come back here or go and meet some old friends.'

'Deal.' Megan smiles. 'Thanks for coming.' Avery smiles slightly.

'I don't know about you but I'm a little hungry. Let's order some room service.' Avery says, grabbing the phone. 'And don't even argue. My dad gave me one of his credit cards. He said not to go overboard but to make sure we eat and to not use all of our own money.' They ordered room service and decided to chill before heading to meet Megan's dad.


Soooooo!!! This marks the start of a massive storyline involving Megan from Addicted by DharmaWinter so be sure to go check that story out for Megan's perspective of this storyline! 

Be sure to comment your thoughts on this chapter!!

Much love

Much love

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