•pref 1• when they want cuddles

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•one touchy mf-

•he will not stop stroking your hair/patting your head(if you don't have hair)

•will probably fall asleep

•not really a touchy/affectionate person(turtle)

•if he does ask's for cuddles he probably had a rough day(either fighting villains or didn't go to sleep)

•he will put a movie on the TV(your fav Disney movie ofc😌✨)

•he would be asleep in less than ten minutes

•but before he does he will do your hair/paint your nails(if your bald)

•plant light kisses on your cheek

•and tells you your beautiful/handsome

•pillow fights

•lightly pecks your cheeks and tells you he love you

•will also play with your hair/do your nails(if your bald)

•then sleep
Loathsome Lenard|⚕️ (please tell me if I got the name right or wrong)

•not much of a touchy guy....unless your alone then this mf wants ALL of your attention

•as I said when your alone and cuddling together he is the softest person/yōkai you will meet
Dastardly danny|☔|

•kinda like Lenard but not as soft but he will want all of your attention on him

•i I feel like he's a mix of Lenard and Mikey because he will lightly peck your cheek ever once in a while while cuddling
Malicious Mickey|🧡|

•he is a mix between Mikey and Ralph

•he will do pillow fights

•he will kiss your cheek

•he will also play with your hair/do your nails(if your bald)
Soo.....how did I do?
please give me ideas!

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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